"I knew it was a great idea to get paul on my side!"

Start from the beginning

Lexi's POV-

I glared at harry, the whole concert so far I've been thinking of ways to get back at him. Light his hair on fire, chop of a limb maybe, or maybe ill just trod and stomp on his foot to make him feel the amount of foot-stomping-on I've had to endure this past hour.

*Flashback to when Hollie and lexi were at harry and Louis' apartment with Anna last chapter, when they went upstairs* (a/n- wow I suck at flashback descriptions..)

Hollie had announced that she was leaving now with me so I clambered upstairs towards Harry's room where I had slept, I heard footsteps come up the stairs towards me but ignored them and swung open the white ceiling height door of Harry's bed room.

I picked up my shoes and sat on the bed shoving them on my feet and looking up to stand up when my eyes trailed up a long torso of a familiar person, I reached his eyes and huffed. (A/n- dayuuum! Pedo lexi much?! ;D )

"You seem annoyed.." He mumbled, still looking down on me with his chocolate brown curls dropping over his eyes making him look more puppy like than ever before.

I sighed, people always say be honest right? It's just the ugly truth isn't it? And that movie ended in a happy ending, so maybe if I tell the truth now everything will turn out how it should do.

I took a deep breath then looked him straight in the eyes "I had a revelation last night"

"A revelation?... What do you mean? What was it about?" Harry asked, a worried emotion flashing through his eyes.

"Okay. I'm just gonna say it. I don't think I can be in a relationship with you harry. I'm sorry, it's just I've seen the way you treat girls and I can't afford to waste my time on a relationship that will only end with us both hurting" I told him, immediately feeling guilty.

"So... What your saying is that you don't like me because you believe the media...?" He asked, his voice cracking on the word 'like' causing him to sniff.

I gave him a pleading, pitying look "no. That's not it. Also it's mostly because I can't handle the amount of attention and hate I'm gonna get. I-I'm just not strong enough to be able to handle it. Also I live in the dodgy end and I mean the REALLY dodgy end, people get shot where I come from, I've lived there since I was born, it's were I was raised. I can't just suddenly enter the celebrity life and leave that behind so easily. I wouldn't survive a day. You deserve some celebrity girl who can just ease into your life easily, okay?" I told him, getting a bit more demanding at the end of my speech.

He blinked "you don't like me enough to make this -what ever this is- work?.." He questioned looking extremely hurt.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. What have I done. Of course I like him! I like him more than anything! I want to hug him and be the cause of a smile on his face not the frown and watery eyes that are on his angelic face at this moment. I like him a lot. The word 'like' doesnt cover it. But I would only hurt and disappoint him more if I gave up on him half way for being to weak. I need to lie now, for him.

"No harry, I'm sorry I don't like you. Now Ive got to go, thanks for everything, bye harry" I said sternly but whispering nearing the end as I slipped past his wide staring eyes and his frozen slumped and disappointed body. Once I was in the hallway I crept down the stairs again rushing towards the door again. I couldn't bare to see his expression. He looked almost in pain. I couldn't believe I had that much of an impact on him. No it couldn't have been me. Well not all me. I just hope he will be okay...

(A/n- is it weird that I'm like commenting on my own story and like yelling "no lexi you daft walrus! Don't leave him idiot! Urrrerrrrg" I just sound weird.. Anyways! Back to the story!)

Still The One (Sequel to On Holiday With One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now