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"Mattsuuuun~" Oikawa calls out to me not long after the bell has rung.

I sigh. I had hoped that I could pack my bag and get away before he would come to us. Not only is he annoying, he's also dangerous. I still have no idea what he said to Hanamaki during lunch break that got my best friend so shaken.

Yep. That's right. I came to my senses during the past few hours. It's just Oikawa messing around that has Makki acting so weird. What was I even thinking when I considered any other option? It's impossible. Him looking like that was caused something stupid that our friend said. I'm sure of it.

And now the brunet is approaching us, ready to make things even worse. He's so set on ruining everything I've been building up, and I can't see why. Normally, friends would be supportive and understanding, right? Such a shame that this one has the most twisted personality.

"So, you have a girlfriend now, Mattsun?~" Oikawa chirps for some unclear reason.

"You should know the answer to that." I raise an eyebrow. That's a stupid question... What is he aiming at?

"Aww, come on, tell us! We want to know, right, Makki? 'Cause we'll be so lonely without you~"

His grin tells me he's up to no good. Think. What is the best course of action here? What does he want me to say? And what is the complete opposite of that?

Maybe I should just fight fire with fire. I get up, wincing at the pain that shoots through my back, but ignoring it. With the most innocent smile I can bring to my face, I lean forward, putting an arm over his shoulder and bringing myself close to his ear. Only he should hear my next words.

"You thought that the rumor you were spreading wouldn't reach me, hm? I can't believe you turned that girl down by telling her that Iwaizumi is your boyfriend. Not your crush, but your actual lover. How sly."

"N-no!" he shrieks, pushing me away from him. "That's--! I... Don't tell him!"

Oh, I'm gonna tell him. That's what you get for playing around too much. You did this to yourself.

I'm not close enough with Iwa to suddenly lean in like that (I feel like he'll bite my head off), so I signal to him to come closer. He listens, though he does so with a scowl.

"Have you thought a little harder about what I said before? Why he refuses to tell you who he likes?" I once again use a low volume.

"No..." He sounds suspicious of me. How rude.

"Well... You don't want to tell Oikawa who you like, either. Why not? Why would you rather tell anyone that's not him?"

I keep up my pure smile while the other turns red. His brain seems to have crashed, so he's just staring at me, wide-eyed. There's no longer any glaring involved.

"Oh, and..." I decide to take it one step further and snitch on my stupid friend.  "When Oikawa rejected that girl last week... He told us that he already had somebody he liked, right?"

He stops breathing, his green eyes showing the full-blown panic in his mind and the unwilling curiosity to hear my next words. He's conflicted. I'll relieve him quickly, then.

"The girl I talked to earlier today... She was there when the confession happened. And apparently, Oikawa told them you're his boyfriend. The person he likes... His boyfriend... I wonder if it's all connected, hmm?"

Please, for the love of everything, let this guy put one and one together. I have suffered enough damage from getting caught up in this stage of blind denial.

I don't think I've ever seen Iwaizumi blush this much. Did he implode? Looks like the truth is hitting him hard.

"Let's go." I turn to Hanamaki, who is giving me a curious and excited look.

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