Chapter 4~Naked Argument

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Avril's POV
I blink my eyes a few times and i felt an am around my waist. I looked beside the bed and i saw Chase grinning like a Cheshire cat while his baby blue eyes widen when he saw me turn around."You're awake?"he asked while giving me a lazy smile.

"Good morning to you too" I responded sarcastically. "I'm sorry, good morning! Ya happy now?" he asks

"Very" i jokingly say."Why are you so early there's no school today?" I asked him with a confused look "Cause, I don't know much about you" he said with a smirk "Oh" that's all I could say. Nice job Avril."Were going out" he said "Who is we?" I asked.

"Me and you!" he said cheerfully  "I never agreed to this" I said while flipping the covers of my body and  getting off of my bed. Good thing i slept with my PJ's on. Phew!

"Who said I needed you're permission?" he asked "Well, you are taking me out and if the person you are going with has never been asked for permission he/she is not going with them unless they kidnap them" I said while heading off to the bathroom "smartass" he muttered "What did you say?" i asked while peeking out the bathroom door and seing him watching some college basketball  while laying on his stomach on my bed.

"I said you were smart" he told me while murmuring the word "ass" and I just closed the bathroom door while taking a shower.


After five minutes of enjoying the warm water in the shower. I got out of the bathroom and then I dropped my towel to the ground.

"Shit" Chase cursed and then I heard a loud thump on the floor. I faced my bed and I saw Chase on the floor his stomach laying on the ground and he's covering his eyes with both his hands just like a child when they see something scary and i find it amusing because he fits that kind of character like the weirdo i am I snicker.

When realization  hits me while my eyes are widening and my cheeks are warmed up by embarrassment .Oh my god!. I picked my towel off the ground and wrapped it around my small slim, petite, curvaceous body. 5'6 is still petite for me. Thank you gym,jogging every morning,healthy diet and dance lessons every once a week.

I forgot Chase was in my bedroom."Fuck, Really Avril you have to do that?" Chase yelled. "Well. You do know that i was taking a shower and well you purpo--". "BULLSHIT" he shouted while standing up and going to the door while fidgeting where the doorknob is because he is still covering his eyes. I just snorted and then he finally felt the cold round pice of doorknob ana he opened the door and just left.

"Boys" I muttered. I went to my closet and I put on my undergarments and I picked my black Nirvanah T-shirt then I put on a pair of jean shorts that just goes above my knees and I picked up my thick blue jacket that says "Fuck" on the front and "Yeah" at the back. I picked a very thick jacket because it's like 4° outside. Then I put on some light make up.Then I headed downstairs. The first thing I saw was Chase squeezing that girl's butt from last night and nibbling on her neck leaving a hickey.
"Mhm" the girl moaned. Gross. They both stopped and snapped their heads towards me. Shit.

Chase groaned and the girl sat up from Chase's lap "So sorry you had to see that, next time we'll do no PDA" the girl said while being sorry. I think I know how she's sorry because she has a face I think that anyone can tell her emotions.

"Oh and sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Mckenna Taylor Heysen" she explained. "Nice too meet you" I said. Wow that was the longest sentence I have ever said in front of anyone except for Chase.

"You're right" Chase said. Shit. Did I just say that out loud. Mckenna giggled while I just gave her a friendly smile.

"Were are you going?" Chase asked. Of course he didn't remember. "I'm goin to the carnival" I said trying to be cool even though i am not going anywhere. I can make plans. "Oh" that's all he said. Ha score 1 for Avril and 0 for Chase. LOSER i yelled in my mind.

Then i smirked to myself and Chase. "Am not" Chase argued. Shit i said that out loud again did i. Damn.

I headed out the door and I walked to the garage and I saw 24 cars that aren't mine, they are owned by Chase and I just walked until I reached my mini garage that only had 7 cars.

I chose my BMW because I'm just gonna stroll around the mall and buy some clothes that needed to be bought by me and not by my slut of a friend back in my old school.


I reached the mall. It was just a fifteen minute drive from home.

Shit! I cursed in my mind. What the fuck........Chase...Wait who the heck is that?

Someone is cliging onto his arm by someone I mean Aubrey the queen bee slut of a bitch.

She's the one who bosses people around and she doesn't take no as an answer.

She is the Aubrey Britney Clayton. My first week at Preston High is memorable by lots of people bullying me, I think that is pretty memorable. I remembered my first encounter with Aubrey.

Running down the hallway and I heard a few whispers "What's her problem?" some guy whispered "She's such a freak" another guy whispered. "Where is she even going?" Somebody said"Ugh, look at what she's wearing." obviously that was a girl. I bumped into a figure almost reaching the bathroom "No you don't bitch",someone said while tugging on my arm and spinning me around while my back slamming onto a locker. Shit! that hurt.

"What did you just do?" Aubrey asked through gritted teeth while tugging on my arm and her nails are digging on my skin. Shit! that freaking hurt like a bitch because her nails are so long and they are so sharp.

"What did you just do!?" she repeated while screaming in my ear."I-- - ii- --mm--s-s---o" i swallowed the big lump that formed in my throat. Then I continued "S-ss-s---o-r-r--y".

Finally! Im done. I struggled from her grip and I succeeded the  I ran to the  bathroom and puked then i cried.

Author's Note:
     Hey lovely readers! There are no lovely readers because I don't have plenty of reads! Sorry for the short chapter! Nah....Every chapter in this book is short!!! HAhahaa..Have a great day and don't forget to vote guys!Byee         

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