"Crap, we should have realized that Seth had another plan in play."


Josh returned. "Okay, let's move it."

"I'm coming too," West told them.

"Coach isn't happy I'm leaving, if you go too he'll probably suspend us both."

West shrugged. "Zay is more important than baseball."

Josh grinned. "Yes, he is."

They ran to Alyssa's car and drove to the police station. When they entered, Mr. Salazar was at the reception desk arguing with the officer manning the desk.

"I want to see my client, if you continue to prevent me from speaking to him when he requested my presence then I'm going to make a few phone calls that your chief is not going to like," Salazar told the woman.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Salazar but I don't have anyone here by that name. Are you sure he was brought to this station?"

"Ferrel and Blaine brought him in, so yes I am quite sure! Find those two and you'll find my client!" he shouted.

"Ferrel and Blaine came in a little bit ago and dragged some kid into interrogation three," another officer told them when he heard Salazar shouting.

The officer at the desk scowled. "Really, Thompson, you're telling me this now? They didn't check him in, I didn't get any paperwork, what are those two idiots doing?"

"Tale me back there now!" Salazar demanded.

"Yes, sir, of course." Thompson led Salazar back to the room where they were holding Zay. "Sorry, I don't know why they didn't log him in properly." He opened the door and Angelo swept into the room.

"I want to know why you've brought my client in and why I was prevented from being allowed to see him immediately upon my arrival."

"We are questioning Mr. Walker and you weren't invited," Ferrel told him. "He didn't ask for you."

"That is a lie, Detective. He told his friend Alyssa Roman to call me as you dragged him off. You refused to tell either of them what the charges were."

"The same charges, Mr. Salazar. Only now, we have more evidence."

Salazar held a hand out. "Show me."

"We don't have to show you, Salazar. Now, your client was just about to sign this confession."

"Like hell, I was," Zay told him. He looked at Mr. Salazar. "I didn't say a damn thing and I certainly was not going to sign whatever is on that paper he has."

"The kid is full of shit, he was getting ready to sign it when you barged in."

"Come on, Zayden, we're leaving."

"You can't take him, he's under arrest!"

Salazar spun around, slapped his hands on the table, and leaned across to get in Ferrel's face. "It seems my client was never properly checked in. According to the clerk at reception, Zayden Walker isn't here. Did you even read him his Miranda rights before you brought him in?" The fact that Ferrel didn't answer told Angelo that he hadn't. "You fucked up, Detective. Zayden is coming with me and I will be making several very angry phone calls the moment I'm out of this station. Your ass is mine, Detective." He stood back, straightened his tie, and turned toward the door. "Uncuff him, now." He heard the clank of the handcuffs as they hit the table. "Come along, Zayden." He strode from the room with Zay trailing him and went straight outside to his car.

"What now?" Zay asked.

"We go back to Josh's house." He looked past Zayden as the others hurried out of the station.

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