Chapter 3

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"So what are we doing exactly?" Evan asked as he held Amanda around the waist, holding her up as she was reaching as high as she could with a line of streamers. They were tasked to decorate the pack house living room, which was massive with several couch's scattered around. You could fit a hundred people in there and still have room for a banquet table, a DJ and all their equipment, and a small orchestra. "Am, we don't have to hang them up high. On the wall where we can actually reach is perfectly fine. We'll hang a lot of them so it looks nice and pretty, we can even hang them up as a mural if you want, but please stop this before one of us gets hurt or I pass out," Evan groaned as he adjusted his grip on Amanda and nearly dropped her, wobbling on his feet making Amanda sway around but she just gave him the evil eye and reached for the spot she wanted as high as she could.

"We were entrusted to decorate this room and I plan to do so even though the Beta's won't give us any step ladders. Now lift me higher," Amanda said and stretched her arm up as high as she could just as Evan lost his grip on her and they both let out a yell as they fell backward onto the ground, Amanda landing onto Evan's stomach pushing the air out of his lungs. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Amanda asked, rolling off him and whimpered in guilt as Evan curled into a ball going into a coughing fit before they both relaxed on the ground staring up at the ceiling.

"The next time Beta Cas asks us to decorate really high, what are you going to say?" Evan asked with a light wheeze, rubbing his stomach while Amanda was fidgeting with her fingers looking incredibly guilty offering to give him an icepack.

"Maybe you should get someone else?" Amanda guessed and got patted on the head.

"Class dismissed," Evan said and let out a groan when someone stood right above their heads gaining their attention to the very man they were talking about.

"You guys good? I could see you from outside and you took a bit of a tumble," Beta Cas said and looked genuinely concerned, squatting down gently pressing down on Evan's stomach who let out another groan. "You should be fine after a few minutes thanks to our fast healing. Maybe put some ice on it so it doesn't leave a bruise," Beta Cas said, Amanda quickly hopping up onto her feet to get it for him, before helping Evan off the ground to let him relax on one of the many couches.

"Do we have to go to the party? Setting it up is already getting me hurt and we all know the not-so-secret prank the Beta's like to pull on us Omega's which I would like to avoid if at all possible," Evan asked and gave Beta Cas his best version of puppy dog eyes, looking up at the man pursing his lips with his lower lip wobbling, but it didn't irk the man in the slightest who let out a light chuckle while Amanda came back with her icepack which was actually just a bunch of ice in a plastic baggy wrapped in a hand towel.

"You guys can not-so-secretly leave the party after the young Alpha's find their mates and go to your little dinner party that you think we don't know about. Just be careful because there was a band of hunters spotted the next town over so watch each other's back and try not to stand out," Beta Cas said, both teens looking a little guilty like they'd been caught red handed in some nefarious act.

"We will," both teens said nodding simultaneously when they heard the back door open with large gale's of laughter echoing in the room gaining the trio's attention.

"I swear, he waddled up to me and declared he was going to marry Bubbles from the Power Puff Girls when he grew up. It was adorable!" Alpha Manuel said causing his wife, Luna Neveah, to giggle along with their friends from their allied pack, Alpha Christian and Luna Marie laughing as they glanced back at their son's as Damien and Quinton entered the house looking embarrassed or glaring at their parents as they went on and on about stories from their childhood.

"That's a fun story, dad. Real funny. Maybe you could, oh I don't know... stop!" Quinton hissed blushing beet red, glaring at Damien who let out a noise that suspiciously sounded like a snort. This caused their parents to laugh even more, Beta Cas coming to Alpha Manuel's side dutifully whispering something in his ear. "Don't think I didn't notice your lip twitching into a smile!" Quinton snapped suddenly, pointing an accusatory finger at Beta Cas when Damien grabbed that hand and led him away into the kitchen to get a snack.

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