Chapter 1

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"Wake up before I dump streamers on your head!" someone called out loudly, causing the young man who had laid his head on a round party table to quickly jerk their head up just in time before a large cardboard box almost bursting with streamers nearly dropped down onto his head. Standing over the young man who squinted up at her, groaning as the morning light shined down from above into his eyes, to see a young woman looming over him glaring down with an irritated look on her face. "You're supposed to be helping decorate the dining area with us for the Alpha son's birthday. Get up off your butt and help!" Amanda squeaked, her voice a little too high pitched for her age, and she glowered down at the young man who stared up at her, head wobbling, until his head dropped and fell with a loud thunk on the table. "Evan!"

"What!?" the boy, Evan, whined as he lifted his head again and pouted at her. "I stayed up all night studying, mostly because I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to since a bunch of guys hung out in the living room of the pack house almost all night playing games even though I tried asking them twice to stop, and not only that but I was already dragged out of bed at six in the morning by Beta Cas to drive with him to get the birthday cake and the balloons. So basically, I got no sleep and I've already done my part so let me sleep," Evan grumbled, crossing his arms on the table and tried to bury his head into his arms but a hand caught his face and pushed it back up into an upright position until Evan let out a defeated sigh and slumped in his chair to get a good look at her. "Yes, Amanda my love?" Evan said, smiling up at her.

"Don't say that! My future mate will kick your booty for saying something like that," Amanda squeaked in alarm, looking around like she expected them to pop out of nowhere right then and there to attack Evan who quirked a brow at the blonde.

"You just turned sixteen, Am. You've really got to learn how to say 'ass'," Evan said with a chuckle and forced himself to stand from his foldable chair with a loud groan. "Alright, I'm awake. What do you need me to do?" Evan asked and stretched his arms over his head while Amanda focused on setting out the black placeholders on the dozens of tables sitting on top of a large wide cement platform made for events just like the one the pack was planning now for the upcoming birthday party.

"We need to inflate the balloons you got with Beta Cas, print out the seating placement cards, and I kind of need you to hang up the streamers for me," Amanda said and smiled up at Evan who turned to her wide eyed like she'd lost her mind.

"Am!" Evan squawked, laughing to himself as he pointed up at the light poles placed around the birthday area for the party. "Those things are over six feet tall and the only reason you need someone else to do it for you is because you're five-two and need a bigger step ladder then the one we have," Evan pointed out while gesturing to Amanda who pouted as she looked down at her short frame in slight annoyance before looking up at Evan with another smile.

"That's why I need you to-"

"Am, I'm literally two inches taller than you. That's not a lot and we both know neither of us can reach up there even if we wanted to," Evan said with a sigh, holding up the streamer string in a mock attempt to reach from the ground when a large hand grabbed the string and easily lifted it up almost to the top of the poll under the glass ball that contained the lightbulb within which both small teens gawked up at before looking over their heads to a tall young man who smirked down at them.

"Need help, short-stacks?" the guy asked with a mocking chuckle, Evan shying away by looking down and Amanda glaring up at the young man.

"From the douche who just called us 'short-stacks', no thank you. I'll ask one of the other Beta's for help," Amanda said and snatched the streamers from the guy. "Thank you, though, for living up to the muscle head stereotype, Christian!" Amanda called over her shoulder, storming away, and went right up to one of the Beta's to ask them for help.

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