Chapter 7

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Evan stared ahead of him, still unable to see anything without his glasses, but he didn't need to see to know what kind of situation he was in. He was lying on a bed under soft almost silky covers, naked, there was a large warm body on his right curled up against his side like a large dog, also naked, and there was another large warm body on his left lying on it's stomach with one arm thrown over Evan around his waist, also very naked. Evan slowly sat up, the arm dropping down into his lap, and he blinked several times like that might help his vision but he was really trying to figure out if he was awake or still dreaming. In his dream, he found his mates who had whisked him up into one other their rooms where they did some... things and had fallen asleep cuddling one another. Evan was a teenager so having raunchy dreams like this weren't that abnormal. It usually ended too soon but he must still be dreaming because those guys from his dream were still here. In bed. With him. In a bedroom that definitely wasn't his. The fact that all three of them could fit on the bed alone was a sign that he wasn't in his room with his single bed but it also reeked of someone else's scent.

The blonde curled up next to him stirred a little, murmuring something incoherently. Evan was able to make out the word "broccoli" and that was it. The whole room smelled like him which should have been very alarming for Evan. Werewolf bedrooms were like their own personal territory. Only family, mates, and people they trust who are allowed to "trespass" may enter yet here Evan was. In someone's room who he didn't know, or so he thought. It didn't matter how much he sniffed around or squinted at the blonde, he couldn't figure out who he was. All he could make out was the sweet scent or oranges, strawberries, all kinds of fruit and a musky smell of pine. Evan didn't have that many friends outside of Amanda but the only blonde's he knew and was comfortable around were Omega's who were commonly petite and small. Neither the blonde nor the brunette were petite, small, or Omega's.

The brunette didn't move much, just lightly snored or breathed in and out quietly. Though this was clearly the blonde's room, it smell a little like him. Like the woods, fresh water, and something else Evan couldn't place but made him feel very relaxed despite the fact that he was a full head smaller than the brunette. Evan also couldn't figure out who he was no matter how much he sniffed around him but he was also definitely not an Omega. Most Omega's smelt very sweet and had a serine pheromone around them, something alluring and nice. Though the blonde smelt rather sweet, they both smelled of power and strength which made Evan shiver a little. Not in fear but in pleasure? It was normally fear but he didn't feel any danger from either of them.

What did Evan feel? The longer he stayed awake, the more sure he was not dreaming despite the unrealness of his situation. His wolf was over the moon, dancing around in his head howling in pure joy. His wolf didn't talk to him but he could feel his emotions with his mood and right now, Evan's wolf was about ready to wag it's tail off. Evan's emotions were rather muted because... Evan slowly reached under the blanket and confirmed that he was not wearing any clothing. Not even his underwear, pants, or even a sock. He was completely buck naked in bed with two other stark naked people who had done... things to him that had been amazing and-

"I've got to stop thinking about this," Evan thought to himself, blushing beet red before he slowly removed the brunette's arm. "I need to find my clothes," Evan said as he put the brunette's arm behind him, listening to see if he woke them but their breathing was the same so he took this chance to carefully climb over the brunette's legs off the bed. He was slightly glad he didn't have his glasses on, the sun shining through the window illuminating the entire room and the very naked guys on the bed and his own body bare for all to see, but he focused on finding his clothes carefully sweeping his feet across the ground trying to find them. "This is not happening. I'm going to wake up and everything will go back to normal," Evan told himself, his foot hitting something. He found himself picking up a shirt but it wasn't his. It was way too big and smelled like the blonde's but he pulled it on anyways just so he was clothed. He searched around for fifteen minutes, trying to be quiet while blindly looking for his clothes, but only found his pants and one of his shoes. "I'll just sneak down to my room and get clothes from my dresser. Maybe I can find my phone and call Amanda," Evan thought, listening to make sure the guys one the bed were still asleep. Phones weren't allowed at any parties because, just like normal wolfs, their eyes shone noticeably which could give them away as abnormal. Only the Alpha's and Luna's were allowed to take pictures of their kids. "Oh god, what do Quinton and Damien think about this? Right after they find out their mated to one another and everyone's celebrating them only to get the rug pulled out from under them by my coming of age. What if they hate me?" Evan thought in horror as he searched around for the door.

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