Chapter Thirty: Breaking The Block

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"You should try," Harry tells him. "I like my new housemates in Winter Wolf."

"You, the twins, and Luna seem to be one of the few people that are actually open to being here," Cedric pointed out.

"You know Luna," Harry asked him.

Cedric nodded. "I live not far from the Weasleys and Luna is also not far away. So, we all grew up together. Luna has been like a little sister to me."

"Has she always been..." Harry didn't know how to phrase it.

"I am guessing you heard her talk about things like nargles and the crumple-horned snorkack," Cedric guessed, getting Harry to nod. "Luna has always been unique. She has a different way of seeing the world. I hardly ever know what she is talking about, but the twins seem to."

"Fred and George are a lot smart than others would ever care to admit," Harry chuckled.

"I have had classes with them, so I do believe it," Cedric says. "Plus, living so close to them, I know what their home life is like."

"Mrs.Weasley does tend to play favorites," Harry sighed, knowing that it was the truth.

"Unfortunate, but true," Cedric also sighed. "I can not tell you about all the times that the twins, Percy, Charlie, or even Bill would be over at my house or Luna's because they could not stand being around their mother and younger siblings."

"They like to make themselves look like the perfect family, but they definitely are not," Harry said. "I still remember when Ron, Fred, George, and Percy all had to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas in my first year there. And all because Mr. and Mrs.Weasley decided to visit Charlie with Ginny that year."

Cedric looked disgusted by that.

"So, they managed to save enough to get an international portkey to Romania and yet only took one kid," he looked like he wanted to curse someone. "That is seriously not right. They could have just bought the portkey a few days later so that they could have taken them as well."

"I doubt that Mrs.Weasley thinks of anyone other than herself, Ron, and Ginny," Harry says. "I have stayed with them multiple times, but I can count on one hand how many times she even came close to scolding Ron while she never scolded Ginny for anything She most just excuses their behavior while treating all her other kids as if they can never do anything right."

"I have seen a lot of that happen over the years," Cedric shook his head in disappointment of the Weasley mother. "You know how Ron is afraid of spiders and he says that it is because Fred turned his teddy bear into a spider when they were younger?"

"Yeah, Ron told me about that," Harry said. "I think he was traumatized when he found out about the acromantula nest in the Forbidden Forest."

"There's a what in the where," Cedric obviously did not know about that.

"I will explain later," Harry tells him.

"Okay," Cedric was definitely going to remember that in the future. "Anyway, that was just some accidental magic from Fred, but Ron is always saying that he did it on purpose. And Mrs.Weasley even punished Fred for it even when every witch and wizard knows that no one can control accidental magic."

Harry definitely knew a thing or two about accidental magic. There had been several cases of that when he had been growing up. Such as when he had apparated to the roof of his school, turned a teacher's wig blue, vanished the glass at the zoo, and inflated his horrible Aunt Marge like a balloon. Though, now that he knew that he had secret mystic soul powers, he could have actually been lifted up by a burst of wind instead of apparating.

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