Chaper 1

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Scott's POV:
It's been a month since stiles came back he's different he's not longer the stiles we once knew his eyes are dull and lifeless he isn't skinny anymore he's buff and seems to always be on the the look out for a threat

~Time skip because of stiles jeep~
3rd POV
The pack is having and meeting in Dereks loft when they get immersed in a blinding light and end up in a Theater

Scott:"Where are we" I look around and see I'm in a theater
Derek: I around the theater and I see and a girl standing in front of the screen "who are you!" I say
Me: "Hi everyone I'm Alex and I'm here to show you Thomas's journey"
Stiles:once I hear my old name I mutter an "oh shit"
Lydia:"who's Thomas"
Me:"you'll see no questions till after the video please

Me: " questions one at a time please"
Sheriff: "why were you in a box coughing up water"
Scott: "more importantly what is that place"
Stiles" that is the maze or the glade when I got kidnapped by this place called wicked that forced me to work with them but I betrayed them so they but me in the trials and to as why I was coughing up water they erased my memories and from what I can gather they do it by electroshock therapy and drowning"
Stiles:"not as bad as when they branded me"
Me:"not the point next video then a break"

Scott:when that the blonde boy come on I heard stiles mutter 'Subject A2 killed Subject A5' I'll have to ask about that later
Kara:"why can you leave"
Me:"you will find out later break time no questions during break I will know"

———————————————————————————In another theater

Minho:"where the shuck are we"
Brenda:"where's my gun"
Gally:"who the suck are you"
Me: " I took your weapons I don't want y'all to shoot me your here to see Thomas's life before the maze save your questions for after the videos you'll see Thomas soon"

Everyone one:Hahahahahah
Aris:"Thomas was never like that with us"
Me:"well his memory was erased also the supernatural is real I'll show you the different creatures then you can see Thomas first I'm going to bring some people back and Gally it wasn't your fault" I clap my hands and Chuck Teresa and newt appear
Minho: i see newt and run up and tackle him into a hug~
Newt:suddenly I'm tackled be Minho" bloody hell min-min your going to kill me again"
Minho: "not funny" then I see chunk and go hug him along with newt
Chunk:after I hug newt and Minho I turn to gally and say " it wasn't your fault now come hug me shank"he comes and hugs me
~time skip after reunion because I can~
Me:"ok video time also agin the supernatural is real"

Teresa:"why does Thomas look like that?"
Me:"for a little Thomas or as they know him as stiles was possessed by a 1000 year old fox that fed on pain and strife. Ok now time to see Thomas those who are dead I will clap you in after I warn him"

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