King of Hearts Pt.2

Start from the beginning


The door in front of him swung open, a dark room ahead. He reached a hand in and turned on the light, checking for any threats before his eyes landed on a red arrow, pointing to an inner room.

"Found it!" he yelled, heading inside, icing his hand just in case. 

It was a small living space with only one window, all furniture gone or pushed to the other rooms. There were two buzzers, one on each side of the room, and no matter how far he stretched he couldn't reach them both.

"I need someone else!" he yelled. "It needs two people!"

"On it!" he heard both Kirishima and Bakugou yell, making him turn back around at the sound of footsteps, only to dodge when a gun barrel was aimed at his face.

Shots echoed around the room, bullets ricocheting off the walls as he ran to the door, only to be grabbed by his jacket and swung backwards. His head hit the wall uncomfortably, but he sent up an ice wall in time to stop the bullets. He saw a blast of red, and the seeker disappeared from the room; he melted the ice to see Kirishima holding the seeker to the ground, Bakugou rushing in behind him.

"Ten seconds!" Kiri yelled, Shoto pointing to the buzzers on the walls; with a grimace he pushed himself up, forcing away the black in his vision to reach a hand up to the buzzer.

"On three!" Bakugou yelled, making Shoto grimace but nod determinedly. "One... two... three!"

They slammed their hands on the buzzers, the timer freezing at three seconds left; Shoto watched as the seeker slumped in Kirishima's grasp, Bakugou pulling his friend away, before reaching to pull away the horse mask. It was an old man, one who was looking around with a dazed expression and blood running down his head. 

"They made me do it." the old man whispered.

They wanted to ask who, who made him do it, but a beep sounded and the man's head exploded, red coating their vision making them gag and look away.

"Congratulations." the voice sounded through their phones. "You have won this game and have earned 6 days on your visas. Happy playing."

They slumped against the walls, gaining their breaths back as the phones faded to black.

"Todobro, are you okay? Your head's bleeding."

"It's okay, just need a minute." Shoto shut his eyes, managing his dizziness before wiping the blood away and leading the way out of the room. 

Leaving the complex, they saw several dead bodies sprawled about the different levels, all violently killed by the seekers' guns. Guilt overcame them all, feeling as heroes they had failed to save those who needed to be protected. Shoto felt like they should have taken action sooner, and maybe his plan could have saved more people, and maybe they would have had time to save the innocent man. 

They walked down the corridors and the outdoor steps, the air feeling fresher and cooler than under the gaudy yellow lights; several of the players came up to them, thanking them for helping them survive. They were polite but tried to leave quickly, wanting nothing more than return to their camp and wash off the blood.

"I feel like people are watching me." Shoto stated, even as they had turned into the street opposite the apartment complex.

"They're probably just really thankful, without your plan I don't think we would have survived. You saved us again, Todobro!" Kirishima grinned, making Shoto smile faintly.

Bakugou stayed silent, also feeling like someone was watching them. He paused in his steps and looked around the looming buildings, between alleyways and on rooftops. He wanted to brush it off as feeling tense from the game, but his instincts were never wrong. At last, when he turned around, he saw a shadow slip across a rooftop.

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