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Third person POV

« My lord. Pardon my daring mouth. But are you truly sure that that boy. Is the one we are looking for? » A tall figure asked.

« I am positive. Bring me the boy. Take the others with you. » The king sat on his throne.

« Yes my lord. » The soldier bowed his head and got dismissed.

As the soldier walked to the military chamber where the others awaited him.

« Our lord has given orders. We are the ones to follow. Bring the boy. » The leader said as the rest of the men followed.

A small army of soldier marched true the portal they were so familiar with, « General, how exactly will we know who the boy is? » a man from the crowd asked.

«My lord said we would know who it is once we see him." The general simply answered.

And so, stepping out in to the word some of the decided to leave, their skin turned black, limbs got longer and they now shined with purple particles.

As they all suddenly disappeared and went separate way to find HIM.

One of them was able to find a rather calm looking area, not exactly expecting to find who he was looking for right there.

He took a glance around the outside of the house looking true the windows he saw a boy.

Wrapped in a blanket, dark strawberry hair and green eyes, some scars here and there, he was the exact resemblance of them.

Just as so, his fellow creatures appeared.

"⟟⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⊑⟟⋔?" He asked.

"⟟⏁ ⋔⎍⌇⏁ ⏚⟒. ⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍ ⏃⏁ ⊑⟟⋔! ⊑⟒ ⟟⌇ ⌖⎅ ⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⌖⏃☊⏁ ⟟⋔⏃☌⟒." The commander answered.

"⟟ ⋔⎍⌇⏁ ⏃⎅⋔⟟⏁. ⍜⎍⍀ ⌰⍜⍀⎅ ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⏚⟒ ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒⎅. ⏁⍀⊬ ⏁⍜ ☌⟒⏁ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏚⍜⊬." The commander ordered as the small army followed.

He noticed the boy moving towards a door, just as he opened, the commander appeared in front of him.

The boy seemed panicked and was quick to close the door shut.

As he signaled to the rest of his soldier to be careful, he couldn't help to heard something that left him and the other in shook.

They were the sounds their young ones made. He was sure the boy was young. But just how exactly?

The small whimpers caught the others attention, and just as they were about to entry, one of their own was attacked to what seemed to be the boys protector.

So they decided to watch from afar. Learn from this boy before they proceed to take him home.

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