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                          When I woke up the next morning there was a small amount of light coming from the single window  in the tower.It was enough to see my surroundings I had fallen asleep on a large bed in the edge of the room there was a small kitchen looking thing next to the window and a fire place right next to it the room had a large domed ceiling the walls  that were painted a a plain ivory color, next to the bed was a nightstand that held a candle and matches and a trunk at the foot of the bed most likely filled with extra clothes I had brought my own bag with some belongings which was now sitting on the trunk. I immediately went to my bag and searched through, luckily they hadn't searched my bag I had hid a sword wrapped In a pair of pants and a shirt which I changed into so I didn't have to wear a bunch of stuffy dresses .I was pulling it on when I heard a sort of squeaking noise coming from outside. I had to totally forgotten about my guardian.

                               I looked out the window and saw that I was surrounded by ice and snow, then I saw it a creature with light blue skin well it wasn't really skin it looked more like it was made of ice it had long light blue ears and dark blue what looked like hair which was the same color as the tip of the tail it was one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen but I didn't initially see how it dangerous till a small snow fox came racing by was vaporized by a ball of burning ice which broke me out of my trance and I went back to taking inventory there was. Plenty of food dresses etc to keep a princess happy which means  means I was totally bored out of my mind then I remembered that I had hidden one of the practice swords from the armory in my bag I searched through my bag until felt it at the very bottom of my bag after I used different materials around the circular room to build a dummy then I practiced constantly if I wasn't practicing I was eating or watching the creature outside my window after a few weeks I was getting pretty good I figured I could probably take on Quentin which made me cry more like sob I just layer in my bed sobbing would I ever get to see him or any of my sisters again would I stay here forever till grew old and died never seeing a another human being ever again I never was the pretty princess my sisters were always prettier than me would any prince even try to save me and that was how I fell asleep

When I woke the next morning I was determined to not stay here I would not wait for some prince to come and rescue me I was going I save myself I am not going to die here depressed and lonely so I immediately got my bag out from under my bed and started packing just about everything I could get my hands in except the dresses I was Definitely leaving those behind how was I going to do anything in a dress but I decided to grab one of my simpler ones just I case I had to play the princess card I was grabbing some provisions when I heard a unusual sound not the normal sounds that came from outside but more angry when I looked out the window u saw the creature fighting with none other than a night in shining armor the creature had a big gash on its leg and was struggling to fight just when I though it was doomed and I would have to spend my life in torture the prince was blasted with a ball of ice which froze his armor and he hopped away slowly got on his horse who was shivering and rode away but the creature was whimpering at the edge of the tower bleeding from the sword cut I grabbed a first aid kit threw all my stuff down the. Tried to figure a way out I eventually went with the sheets tied to the bed thing when I got to the ground I immediately went with caring for the creature which I ended up naming crystalline or just crystal for short when I got her all bandaged up I realized just how cold it was down here the tower had a spell around it keeping it warm I put on three pairs of clothes and a cloak on and because it was dark I got as close to the tower to get some of the warmth spell, I just had to last till morning the I was free.

My Poor PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now