The Truth Comes Out

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While walking out of the restaurant, well, actually, now I was banned, so being banned from the restaurant I couldn't get one thing out of my head. Why didn't Niall stick up for me? Did I interrupt his evening? Was he actually having a good time and I ruined it? He didn't look like he was having a good time. Then again, I could have been reading his body language totally wrong and he could have been having the time of his life. Maybe he really liked this Alyssa girl, I was just too boring for him. He was just too nice to break my heart, so he just decided to move on and hope I forget about him. Well, one thing's for sure, I will never forget Niall Horan. He changed my life actually, I finally saw things with a different perspective. Niall Horan was my first bf. My first kiss. My first date. My first love. The first person to make me feel like a beautiful girl, even when I'm not wearing any makeup or contacts or straight hair. I start to notice the tears streaming down my face. Louis must notice them too because he brings me into a bid bear hug.

"Aw Kims, he doesn't know what he's missing, any guy would be lucky to have a gf like you," he said.

"Really," I say laughing hysterically like I'm mental, " that's why I had so many guys lined up to ask me out before right?" I ask sarcastically. I continues to laugh like a lunatic. "Wow, I can't believe I fell for a guy like that! What was I thinking?"

"Now Kims please calm down, you're kinda freaking me out," said Louis backing away from me.

"Jeez, I fell for him thinking it was going to be like one of those movies on TV where the jock falls for the dork!" I say. "We'll look how that turned out" I yell out to nobody in particular.

Louis just stares at me with wide eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that," I shout! "I'm sick of it! I'm sick of being the ugly dork that nobody wants to hang it with. The person that people just talk pity on, but then talk about behind my back about how annoying or weird I am! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of the popular girls thinking they're so much better than me, I'm sick of having no one who wants to hang out with me, or the people who pretend to be my friend just because, I don't even know why!" I scream, then I burst into tears. I couldn't help myself. I cry and cry and the tears never stop. Louis kneels down next to me.

"Kims, I never knew you went through that, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you ever tell me?" Louis asks gently.

"I don't know, the truth is, I held it in all this time," I respond.

"But you always seemed so happy," he said.

"Yeah, I didn't want people to pity me. I tried to change myself for everyone else. They said I was a goody goody so I changed and then they started to say I was getting mean, so I changed again and started trying to be one of those happy, perky, friendly people, but then people just thought of me as annoying. There is no in between. People just don't like me," I shout.

"Of course they do," Louis said, "I like you."

"Thanks," I say, "but one person can't always be around. I'll have to share you with Cassidy now. You know, I used to always imagine myself surrounded with friends. Each year I would picture myself as people seeing me as a completely different person. Someone they wanted to be around, someone they would want to talk to or just hang out with, but each year, that never happened. I thought high school would change everything, I would start off on a new slate and finally be that person that I always imagined myself being because these people wouldn't know me. They wouldn't already think of me as annoying or mean or a goody goody, but then we all transferred to the same high school. So there went my image of being the girl that everyone wanted to be around. I just wanted to be that kind of girl, you know," I say.

"Kims, you have more than just me that like you and want to hang out with. Liam likes you and so does Niall," Louis says.

I laugh a sarcastic laugh, "yeah," I say, " Niall wants to be around me so much that he goes out with another girl, not to mention some supermodel, doesn't even try to stick up for me, and even after that, if he really did want to make up for that or show that he wanted to be with, he didn't come out here. He stayed with that stuck up brat instead of me, his girlfriend, well, his ex-girlfriend now."

"I'm sure he has a good explanation for all of this," said Louis.

"Yeah?" I say, "well, I'd love to hear it."

We sit there in silence for little while longer, my sniffles are the only noise being made.

"Well, do you want me to drop you off back at you house?" Louis asked.

"Actually," I say, "could I stay at your house tonight, I don't want my parents to see me with my eyes puffy, it will just make them ask questions that I'm not prepared to answer yet."

"Sure, no problem," said Louis.

"Thanks," I say.

We start walking back to Louis's car, when I hear someone shout my name.

I turn around to see Niall running towards me.

"Took ya long enough," I say, shocked at my burst of confidence. I don't know where this confidence is coming from, but I like it.

"I know, look K, I know I screwed up, but you have to listen to me," said Niall.

"First of all," I say, "don't call me K, second of all, yeah, you screwed up big time, and third of all, don't talk to me. You can explain everything to me tomorrow because right now I'm exhausted and I'm pretty sure if I hear anything come out if your mouth, I'll lose it. So, I'm sure you have a good explanation for all of this, but I'm going to give you tonight to rethink what you are going to say because it better be good. Good bye, if you need someone to talk to, Alyssa is still inside."

And with that I climbed into Louis's car leaving Niall with his mouth hanging open and with Louis smiling. I couldn't help it, I smiled too.

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