Chapter 27 The End of the Ride

Start from the beginning

Izumi: I love you to Dad 

Izuku: I love you to Dad

As Johnny hugged them both as he starts to tear up a little as he breaks the Hug 

Johnny: Take care of this world, It might be Broken and disgusting in some parts but it is still Home 

Izuku: Don't Worry I will 

Izumi: Same with Me Dad

Johnny: Good 

As Johnny turns around as the Sun goes down as a silhouette of Johnny's Dad appears and reaches out his Hand 

Johnny's Dad: Come on Boy It is Time to Go 

Johnny: Dad 

As Johnny walks to him as he grabs his Hand as he looks at Izuku and Izumi one last time before he disappears 

As Izumi cries and hugs Izuku as he just looks up to the Sky 

Izuku: Rest In Peace Johnny Blaze the Greatest Stuntman, Greatest Ghost Rider and Greatest Father 

As Izuku looks Down as he hugs Izumi as she calms down and they walk to their Bikes as the take off and head back to Japan 

*Time Skip 15 Years*

It has been 15 Years since Johnny was now at Peace and Izuku Killed Black Heart as we see Izumi along with the Others in the Harem as they all at UA watching the UA Entrance Exams 

Izumi: Good Bunch of Students  

Momo: Agreed and I know this will play Favorite's but Look at or Kids 

Over the 15 Years Izumi gave birth to Twins One Boy and One Girl, The was Named Roxanne and the Boy was Named Johnny

The Other Girls in the Harem also gave birth Katsumi gave birth to a Girl, Nejire gave birth to a Boy, Momo gave Birth to Twin Girls, Midnight Gave Birth to a Boy, Mirko she gave birth to triplets 2 Girls One Boy, Shoka gave birth to a Girl, and  Kyoka gave Birth to a Boy 1 year after and the Rest are now Pregnant and are about 7 Months 

Mirko: What is that Idiot Son of Mine Doing he is so Focus His Chain Attack instead of Getting Points ahhh I am about to Go Beat him 

Midnight: Looks like the Girls are just about to do that 

Mirko: Good I taught them Well 

Katsumi: Hey were us Ichan 

Izumi: He is dealing with Something in Hell at the Moment but he did say he will be able to make it today 

Shoka: Nice also Look Roxanne and Johnny are going Rider Mode 

As they all Look to see Roxanne Turn into the Angel Rider as Johnny Turned into The Ghost Rider and they both Destroy 5 Zero Pointers 

Izumi: Still Can't believe they had the Angel and Rider Powers at Birth, That wasn't easy 

Izuku: No It wasn't 

As they all look to see Izuku walking in as they all hug and kiss him 

Izuku: Having Kids with The Riders Power was not fun especially when it came to Elementary School and the other kids start to do bad stuff that normal Kids do like steal candy and lie 

Izumi: I still have Nightmares of angry Teachers asking if we can seal the Powers 

Izuku: Same

Izuku's Point of View

As you all can see that Life has become Somewhat Peaceful for Me and Izumi since we now have a Family that Loves us and Kids to take care of, But as The Rider and King of Hell we still have are problems but Hey Its Nothing I can't handle 

But Thank you all For joining Me on My Journey as the Ghost Rider and Thank You all for your Support

Jinzo Take it from Here 

(Jinzo: Thanks Izuku and I won't be Mad for you breaking the 4th Wall)

(Hey Everyone I know that I already Posted Today but I couldn't wait so I decided to post The Last Chapter)

(I know I said this all in the Last Chapter but Thank you all for Enjoying this Story I had so much Fun Making it and loved your reactions)

(Ghost Rider Izuku will Return at Some point but that will be later in the Future)

(Again Thank you all for your Support)

This Is Jinzo Signing Out

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