I get Zapped Out Mid-Parkour

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27 July 2022

   Weird stuff was happening today. I guess Stephanie learnt voodoo magic to take revenge on our science teacher. After all the teacher called her an ameoba.

    The roads had become a huge trampoline. All the vehicles bouncing around. I decided this is the best time to do Parkour. I climbed up the tallest building I could see and jumped. But, I was interrupted.

    I was zapped out of the air and fell face first on something hard and white.

   I looked around. I was on a spaceship. It was just like the one in videogames. And there was a boy my age standing there with Dumbledore.

    "Welcome, Ashley! I bet you want to know some things." Said Dumbledore.

    "Yeah, why does Mariah Carey sing so well?" I said. This question had made a campsite in my brain for years.

    Dumbledore looked disappointed. "It's because she's blessed and she's hardworking. Don't you want to know why are you here?" He said.

   I thought for a moment and guessed out loud. "You've selected me to save the world?"

    Dumbledore looked astounded. "How did you know?" He asked.

    "I'm clever and I watch too much science fiction." I said.

    "I must tell you something. I guess you have seen some changes with in the laws of the universe. This is because you woke up in a parallel universe. Mr.Nuggets here explained to me that this is a clone parallel planet and it needs to be exterminated. You, I and four other people who are yet to come, are assigned to exterminate these planets." Said the boy with Dumbledore.

    "I guess Dumbledore is Mr.Nuggets. Thank you Nuggies, I really wanted to do some cool stuff." I said. I was tired of math and science and history. I needed some heroism.

    "My full name is Oldie Nuggets. This young man here is Daniel. He's from the year 2008, born in 1995. And this, Daniel, is Ashley Davis, from the year 2022, born in 2009, just a year after the year you were living in." Said Mr.Nugget man.

    This boy was fourteen years older to me, and yet was almost my age.

    "Sup Daniel? And Nuggies, why did you zap me off Mid-Parkour. I was going to dive into that trampoline road and spring up and land on the other building." I said.

    "Wait, you could've died! And what do you mean, trampoline roads?" Daniel asked.

    "The two of you were in different parallel universes, that's why you must have had different experiences. Before you ask another question, I'll answer it. I've selected six teenagers from the same universe only from different eras, so one can be a fourteen years younger to you by birth year, but just a year younger to you by age." Said Nuggies.

    "I'm sorry Ashley, I couldn't afford you dead." Said Nuggies.

    "Why would you even do such things? Don't you care about your life?" Asked Daniel, amazed and irritated at the same time.

    "If I cared about my life, I wouldn't have gotten this scar." I said, pointing at a slit on my right eyebrow.

    "How'd you get that?" Daniel asked.
"I threw a knife in the air and tried to catch it with my mouth. Luckily, it just slit my eyebrows, without even touching my eyes. And there is no need to be this personal, fam." I said.

    Daniel turned red. He said, "I was just showing my concern. It would look rude if I didn't."

    "Don't worry about what looks rude or polite, bro. Everyone's gonna throw dirt on you anyways." I said.

    "So, you're a millennial. We're quite similar coz I don't know much of gen z slangs, but more of millennial slangs." I said.

   "I don't know what you mean. I mean, I've heard stuff like millennial and gen z before, but I never knew what it ment."
Daniel said.

   "It refers to your generation. You're born in 1995 that means you're a late millennial. One more year and you'd be a gen z. I'm born in 2009, so I'm a gen zer." I explained.

    "There are more coming. Don't worry, I'll zap them all together. This zapping all of you one by one is tiring." Said Nuggies.

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