A wise woman by the name of Onika, once told me, I needed to create more boundaries and that it's completely okay to say no for the sake of my own sanity.

Just as Solo was about to respond and probably somehow persuade me to stay, here comes miss home wrecker, herself.

"Bae what's taking you so long? Your dad is asking me a million and one questions and I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable without you there beside me."

I instantly rolled my eyes once I heard the word bae flow through my ears. Everything about this shit is disrespectful.

A few questions make you uncomfortable but not inserting yourself into peoples' relationships?

I observed as Solange wrapped her arms around Robyn's torso, pulling in her body as close as she could until their chests met.

"I'll be there in a few baby. Just give a moment to discuss things with my sister, alright?"

"Okay papi."


There faces proceeded to move in closer and closer and by then, I've completely had enough.

"I know y'all fuckin lying!" I yelled, causing them to pull away, giving me their undivided attention.

"Don't ever do that shit in front of me like it's cool. That's disrespectful as hell and neither of you have any class whatsoever. I am highly disgusted and could possibly vomit at any moment now.

Solo you do not deserve Lauren at all. As your sister, I refuse to stand by and watch you ruin the best thing that's ever happened to you—or at least that's what you said but who knows if you even recall, by your actions as of lately. Don't be in face crying and shit, then moments later you still entertaining this bìtch."


"Robyn do not relay a word to me. I don't fuck with you." I couldn't even look her in the face.

"I advise y'all to figure out what it is you both want out of this. Once you two began to form your own relationship and doing shit without Lauren anywhere in site, is when any significance of your relationship vanished. Lauren deserves an explanation from you asap Solange and don't even consider leaving a detail out. Wait any longer, and I'll tell her myself. That's not a threat, but it's most definitely a promise."

The fact that they felt comfortable enough to try and kiss in front of me, pissed me off. Shits truly pathetic that I have to tell two grown ass women about themselves and their wrongful actions.

My loyalty may be with my sister but I consider Lo as my sister, as well.

Lauren came into Solange's life when she was in the mist of finding herself. She was already at the height of her art career and doing great within that area. Her art was selling tremendously, making a name for herself in the industry. She even started receiving bids for a few of her paintings.

She never found the courage to really put herself out into the dating scene. She was too worried about what Mathew would think and whole time that nigga put the ch in cheater. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Lauren is the first girlfriend she's ever had and she has never left her side, not once. Their bond was special, especially from the outside looking in.

Even through Solange's depression episodes and finding out she has adhd, Lauren was there for her—through and through, and she is still is to this day. One thing about it, Lo doesn't play when it comes to her loyalty to her mate.

They're polar opposites but mesh so well together. People assume that it was Solange that proposed to Lauren because she's appears to be the more dominant one of their relationship, when really, it was Lauren who got down on one knee.

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