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so i am in fact writing the next chapter AS YOU READ THIS. I wanted to admit this now because if i said it in the chapter it would ruin the mood. more on that later HABza- buuuttttt next month. NEXT MONTH. MAY. i am going to a SIR CHLOE CONCERT. now for those of you who do not understand the importance of this. this is the song artist this whole story is based off of. i will be hearing "walk you home." in concert. I WILL BE HAVING MY OWN X MOMENT. i will be showing images of the concert and have a chapter about how it went. BUT now onto the chapter. ANGST. istg this will be one of the edgist chapter of this series. depressing asf, (ill try) stay tuned it will be out soon. also i applied for a job yesterday so pray and manifest i get that phone call *pray hands* but as always remember to listen to the song assosiated with the chapter and keep a look out ;)

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