Blind Sleepover...?

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Setting: X is almost asleep in their bed when they get a "good" idea to go snooping around in Four's suitcase
Disclaimer: "The number" is Four


X's P.O.V

The thought kept bothering me, I wanted to see if they were hiding something but also didn't wanna feel like a creep. "For safety purposes." I lied to myself out loud, slipping out of bed still tired and scooting towards the suitcase on my knees, They left the suitcase in my room since that was the room we last cleaned. It almost looked as if the case was towering over me, I grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down, I didn't know what to expect but when I pulled it down, I almost immediately got hit in the head with something and it bounced onto the floor, I rubbed my head "Ow." I said out loud in an angry tone looking to see what fell "A microphone?..." I was confused, I looked into the pocket I opened and saw the tooken apart stand. Suddenly, I heard someone bust open the door. I quickly grabbed the mic and shoved it in and zipped it up and tried shoving the case under the bed with my arms, half of me under the bed trying to fit under as well, I was grabbed by the legs and pulled out and up. Who was it? Seven? That number? A complete stranger? I started tearing up as the blood started rushing to my head when they spoke before revealing themselves. "WHY IS MY SHIT OUT ON THE LAWN?" Seven. They pulled me up higher to see their face, Seven, definitely Seven. I screeched in hopes to gain the neighbor's attention. They dropped me and I screamed again, this time in pain, landing on my shoulder. I was crying hard at this point now too, I scooted away trying to go under the bed again, under the bed was safe when Seven did this. Seven walked towards me cracking their knuckles and reaching under the bed, but not for me, THE CASE. They grabbed hold of the suitcase and I grabbed the other end hoping I was strong enough to at least make it harder for them but they managed to pull out the case pulling me with. They shook me off the end and lifted the case out of my reach examining it.

3rd P.O.V

X got up, knowing they would get hurt more if they tried but they needed the case for tomorrow, they knew that number will lose their trust if it went missing. But tried nonetheless, X started reaching and jumping for it, almost being able to get it they jumped up one last time brushing their hand on a tag and accidentally scratching Seven when falling. Seven gasped and glared down at X, putting a free hand over the scratch as they rested the case on their side, elbowing X in the gut as they jumped again not realizing they angered Seven more and they immediately fell. They couldn't get up, they were too tired, too horrified, too hurt, Too much experience knowing something would end up broke if they kept trying. Seven continued, now looking at the tag. There was a name, a name X couldn't read. Seven gasped almost dropping the case,  they growled showing their teeth picking up X by the head "Where did you get this?..." They asked right in X's face. X screeched weakly at another pounding headache slightly enduced by the consumtion of wine earlier when Suddenly, the number from earlier came through the door with at first a facial expression of shock and worry to the scariest expression, coming right for Seven. The number had sharp teeth that X wouldn't be surprised if it could pierce metal, And their eyes were completely blacked out, Seven was shocked and let go of X. Once dropped, X scrambled back away from the numbers and tried getting under the bed. Seven knew who they were. "My case..." The number spoke gritting through their teeth, walking up to Seven clenching their fist tighter each step towards Seven. The number punched Seven in the gut and they dropped the case. They held their stomach leaning over, now all anger towards X was focused on Four. Pissed, the number quickly lifted their knee, now that they had the opportunity to knee Seven in the face. But Seven caught their knee just in time, attempting to stop them from banging their knee into their face, but the number knocked Sev over the head with the side of their fist, their head slammed into their knee. The number lifted and grabbed Seven by the arms like they were being arrested and shoved them out the door and shouted "Don't come back here ever or I'll do more damage." The number slammed the door in their face and headed back to check on X who managed to slip under and hide under the bed, "Are you alright? I'm glad I came back for my suitcase." the number asked peaking their head under the bed. "Are they gone?" was the only thing X had replied peaking out their head too, making eye contact with Four, their eyes were fading back to normal, and had a small smile. "Yeah, they're gone. Hopefully for good." Four added with a bigger smile reaching out for X to take their hand. Hesitantly, X scooted forward grabbing Four's hand and dragged themself out from under the bed. Four lifted them to their feet and picked up their case and walked to the front door, they looked back at X who was awkwardly looking away, Four sighs and walks to X "Want me to spend the night?" They asked putting a hand over X's shoulder, "No! No! You're probably busy, I wouldn't want to get in the way of your schedule...I probably got in the way of a lot of your plans today." X waved their hands and trailed off looking away. "Uhm-..." They started yet hesitated again looking down, "N-not if you don't want to."  X finished rubbing the back of their head as Four giggled "Don't be silly, you're not interrupting anything, besides I think it'd be fun to stay over. It'll be like..." Four trailed off thinking of a way to word it without it sounding weird. "A blind date, BUT! without the date part and instead a sleepover so a... Blind sleepover!" Four had to quickly add on the last part before X could speak, but X laughed at the thought of a blind sleepover. "A Blind sleepover...?" they wheezed "Ha Ha oh my algebra" they kept trailing off, "So, do you need a blanket or..." X trailed off once again, X didn't talk to people that much considering Seven didn't think it was fair if they had friends, they used the excuse 'X might fall for someone else.' or 'They'll turn X against them.' So X naturally made things awkward without realizing it. "Oh no, I'm fine! All my stuff is in my suitcase." They pulled up their case, holding face level and patted it with a free hand.

Four's P.O.V (because we need more of them)

I tried to seem optimistic about the unplanned sleepover, I had told them it didn't mess with my schedule but that was a lie. I still need to be able to pull off this surprise, get to the concert early to practice, set up, write a few songs. The rest of the gang doesn't know where I am but luckily we have phones. I had my mic, basic sleeping needs, med pack, notepad blah blah blah. I really wanted a new song about this variable for tomorrow, I was gonna write in a style they liked and about what happened here tonight. I was already planning on what we would do for the night together, sing our favorite songs together with my mic, write down lyrics and take notes and draw maybe even share a blanket and watch a movie. I've barely met this number and it feels like we've been friends for years, come to think of it I still don't know their name. I thought for a little more before speaking up. "Where should I set up my stuff?" I asked finally putting the case down, after we get this out of the way,  I can discuss my ideas for the night and see what they think and or their ideas too. "Well..." They started, thinking of a place for me to spend the night. "Seven and I shared a bed, so we don't have a spare, but I feel as if the guest should get the bed so I'll drag in the couch or sleep on the floor instead." I was not okay with this. It was their house, plus, after what happened they deserve to sleep on a comfy bed. "I think you deserve the bed tonight, I would be fine with sleeping on the couch." Did I want to sleep on the couch? No, but they needed it more than I. "No please, I insist." The letter said. I could tell none of us wanted to sleep on the couch but didn't want to be impolite and this discussion wasn't going anywhere. "Here, we can both fit the bed right? You said you AND Seven would sleep in the same bed so I know we definitely will be able to fit." I tried reasoning, "This way we both would sleep on the bed and have each other to watch the movies with." I felt my face grow warm as I realized what I just said. The thought of us on the bed huddled up with a blanket possibly watching a romance or horror movie, the idea is... flattering, to say the least. I flatter myself by thinking every friendship I have could possibly be romantic. If it were not completely obvious I am one all about cheesy romance scenarios I'm a hopeless romantic and tend to have a hard time differing platonic from romantic relationships. The letter inhaled with their hand on their hip and the other point up as if they were gonna protest but hesitated then sighed in defeat. "Yeah, that could work. I'll get working on some snacks and ill let you unpack!" The letter spoke leaving the room, I reached for them before they left. They stopped "By the way... Uhm what's your name?" I asked letting go, "Oh I'm X, what's yours?" They asked putting their hand out for a handshake "Four." I smiled shaking their hand "Finally!" They said "A proper introduction!" They finished and cupped their mouth realizing they said it out loud, I laughed a little as they chuckled letting their hands down and closed the door. As soon as they left I became a blushing mess as I headed to unpack and set up my things.


Ignoring what just happened, I headed to the kitchen thinking of things we could do, first thing on my mind was to make popcorn or something, I didn't want to take forever making a whole lot of food so I just stuck with making popcorn and getting drinks, I got out butter, popcorn seeds, oil, a bowl, and a popcorn maker. I got started by turning on the stove top and set the popcorn maker on, I poured in some oil and seeds. Covering the top and waited, I set up the drinks and the popcorn finally started popping, After a while the popcorn was ready and I poured it into the bowl and buttered it, I grabbed the two soda's and the popcorn and headed to my room and opened the door putting the bowl under my arms. I pushed open the door with my foot grabbing the bowl to see Four setting up that damn mic that hit me on the head. "Oh?" I said getting their attention.

2046 Words 

Cliff hanger 😈
Four acting like a Libra🙄/j  This one took forever to write sorry but aaaahqahhahaahahhaha need chapter is gonna be the song one! I have a lot of shows and book series I need to catch up on but I wanna get this book before my hyper fixation is gone.

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