He just glared at me.

"Yet you're living in my son's apartment," he muttered.

As the words left his mouth, Bash appeared. From the look on his face, he must've heard the tail end of conversation. Leo came in the living room as well.

"Talking shit about me is one thing, but you don't get to sit there and disrespect Aurora. Damn sure not in our home."

"Bash..." I whispered.

"No one is disrespecting her, I made a statement," Mr. Calvin ciunteeed.

"A disrespectful one. Dad, don't come in my house with that energy. We need to talk about Leo then you can get the hell out."

"Sebastian! Don't you speak to your father that way."


"No. Calvin, what you said to Aurora was uncalled for. She's not taking advantage of Bash and honestly their living arrangements aren't our business."

She looked over at Bash.

"Regardless of what your father says, you become just as disrespectful when you speak to him that way. You're better than that."

"Mom, you always..."

"You don't have to be like him," she replied, cutting her eyes at her husband.

Bash sat down as Leo did the same. I was about to get up, but Bash grabbed my hand.

"Aurora, this is your home, you don't have to leave," Ms. Lillian said.

I looked over at Bash and he squeezed my hand, signaling he wanted me to stay.

"So, let's get to it. What is the plan with Leo now that he's expelled?" Bash questioned.

"He'll have to go to the public school," Ms. Lillian replied.

"Damn right he is. I'm not going to waste my money for him to act like an idiot and pull pranks with his friends," Mr. Calvin added.

The look of disgust on his face as he looked at Leo was evident. Leo put his head down.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with the public high school, dad."

"I don't care where he goes. Three more years and he'll be out the house, just like you."

As much as my dad was in our business, I'd prefer that any day than to be spoken to how Mr. Calvin speaks to Bash and Leo.

"I can't wait to leave home and get away from you just like Bash did. You talk so much about him like he's a horrible person. He's done more for me than you ever have."

"Just who in the hell do you think you're talking to?"

"You! It's always money with you. Have you ever thought that maybe we just want your time and company?"

"I work hard to support this family!"

"Dad, no one is saying you don't! You just don't have any balance. We're your kids and you care more about that job than you do us. You and mom don't even get along. Why she's still with you is beyond me."

Next Generation (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now