Old Wounds

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|Rory's POV|

Bash and Leo's parents are coming over today. I have no idea how this is going to go. I told Bash I'd leave to give them privacy, but he told me that there was nothing to hide. Bash took his brother to workout with him. I was in the middle of finishing breakfast when I heard the doorbell ring. Opening the door, I saw Mr. Calvin and Ms. Lillian. They were early.

"Mr. Calvin, Ms. Lillian, please come in."

I stepped to the side and they came in. Both looked around the apartment.

"Nice place. Very spacious," Mr. Calvin commented.

"Thank you. Can I get you two anything?"

"No, we're fine dear," Ms. Lillian stated.

I was just about to text Bash when he and Leo came in laughing. Both stopped dead in their tracks seeing their parents.

"Mom, dad," Leo stated.

Mr. Calvin didn't say anything, but Ms. Lillian jumped up giving him a hug.

"Don't ever scare us like that again, you hear me?" she admonished, holding both sides of his face.

"Sorry mom," he mumbled.

"Go get cleaned up. You're all sweaty."

She let him go and he gave me a smile before going to the guest room. Bash was still standing there.

"You guys are early," Bash stated.

His father grunted.

"So, what?"

"Uh, Bash, babe go ahead and shower. I'll keep your parents company. It's fine."

He gave me a look.


He looked over at his parents once more before taking off to the bedroom. I took a seat across from his parents in the living room.

"So, how are you doing Aurora?" Ms. Lillian asked.

"I'm doing well. Just finished up my semester. Have the whole Summer to work on my business now."

"You go to FIT, right?" Mr. Calvin quizzed.

I nodded.

"I do."

"Mmm. No more living on campus. You just made yourself comfortable here," he stated.

I was taken aback by how cold he was being.

"I was here majority of the time anyways and after my accident, Bash and I decided to make living together official. We do plan on getting a place together, but right now, we're comfortable where we're at."

"I'm sure you are," he mumbled.

Ms. Lillian cut her eyes at him before giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Well, I'm glad you're recovered. Bash speaks very highly of you."

I smiled.

"Bash is an amazing person. I'm lucky to have him."

"As long as he provides, right?" Mr. Calvin chimed in.

"I am fully capable of taking care of myself. I have a job and a business venture of my own that allows me to be compensated doing what I love most, designing. Being in college right now is just to help perfect my craft, make connections, and excel to new heights. I've done that on my own, Mr. Calvin, without Sebastian's help. I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not sitting here taking advantage of your son. I have my own," I replied.

Next Generation (Book 4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz