Summer time

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Everything with both Siri and Parker has been going exceptionally smooth and it's almost as if it's going too smooth. Everyone is waiting for the other shoe to fall so to speak. With it being summer time, Parker is home from work doing things around the house with Livie Lou all while Siri is working at the tattoo shop. With it being summer? Everyone is getting fresh tattoos and piercings to celebrate. That means Siri is beyond busy at work. She is basically working 6 almost 7 days a week. She said with her being the manager of the shop, she has to work that many days to keep it running smoothly. But that doesn't mean Parker isn't worried about her.

The adoption of Olivia for Parker was easy as cake. With Siri already to have adopted her, the judge immediately pushed this through. He spoke to Olivia in private and asked her all the questions that he needed to do. Siri and Parker were more than okay with this. Parker adores that little girl to pieces. It's hard not to fall in love with her. When the judge and Livie came out of his chambers with his bailiff, he told us he had never seen a little girl who had gone through more problems in her life, be this well adjusted to living with Parker and Siri. He said they are doing everything perfectly. This made Siri smile.

But that day, when they left the courthouse and Olivia was legally Olivia Nivens, they wanted to go out and celebrate. It was short lived because when they went to get ice cream, they ran into Bernadette and Ms. Daniels. Come to find out Ms. Daniels is Bernadette's aunt. Bernadette saw Olivia and ran up to her. Olivia didn't have anything she wanted to say to her, so she kept her mouth shut and ignored her. Bernadette decided she didn't like this, but her aunt decided to get rude. She started saying how Parker would never want her and that he isn't her father. Nobody knew that they went to court and Parker legally adopted her the same way that Siri did as well.


The terrible trio and Bernadette have been scheming to have a plan to ruin Siri and Parker's relationship. Claudette despises Siri for the pure factor Siri has her life together, debt free, well loved by all, and has the guy all girls would want to be with. The trio is coming up with a plan or they are attempting to. Little do they know, someone is listening in on what they are saying.

~Claudette~ We need to find out if he is having a bachelor party out and if he is, we need to get pictures of him with other ladies and send them to Siri. This will devastate her and she'll call of the wedding and be miserable.
~Ms. Daniels~ That is an excellent idea but the only downside to this is that we do not know who he is friends with, let alone if women came up to him if it would be believable.
~Claudette~ True. Only other plan I can think of is kidnapping Olivia. Us kidnapping her would cause Siri and Parker to be at each other's throats and they would break off the wedding and he would leave her...
~Jeffery~ Kidnapping her is wrong. She is completely innocent in the whole thing.
~Bernadette~ She got me kicked out of school for the whole year and I have to repeat the 3rd grade. It's not fair that she has this perfect life.
~Jeffery~ Young lady the only people who are at fault for you being kicked out of school is you and these two women. Olivia wasn't mean to you. But you picked on her for not having parents. That's wrong.
~Claudette~ Jeffery do not yell at our daughter that way. That little girl boo who'd to anyone who would listen.
~Jeffery~ No wonder Bernadette is such a little brat neither one of us tell her no or discipline her. I don't get why you two can't leave this situation alone. I wouldn't be shocked if they got restraining ordered against us either.
~Claudette~ Why are you acting this way now? A few months ago you wanted to make Siri's life hell and now you don't? Did you grow a conscious?
~Jeffery~ It's not about having a conscious. It's about us kidnapping a child who is innocent but you both don't give a shït. Well I do. What if that was Bernadette and they kidnapped her.. How are the two situations any different? They aren't. So stop!

He stands up and leaves the warehouse. He's over with them causing all of this drama, and it's stopping now! He gets into his car and he heads to Parker's place. One can only hope this conversations doesn't wrong.

Little does anyone know, someone saw them talking but nobody knows about what. Let's hope that this gets ended before it's too late.

After the Move Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon