Leave me alone

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I have always had a problem with this girl named Bernadette. From the time we started first grade til now. She constantly tells the teacher and principal that I am the one bullying her, when she's the one being the bully. I could be in our classroom doing my work, she'll come in late and within minutes of her being there, she tells our teacher I've done something mean to her. I'm all the way on the other side of the classroom. I don't sit anywhere near her.

Today my aunt and I are running extremely late and are behind schedule. So my aunt took me to get breakfast and is dropping me off at school. I'm hoping that Bernadette doesn't bother me today. But we all know she will cause some sort of issue. She always does.

We arrive outside of school. I put my trash inside the bag and grab my book bag. My aunt can immediately tell something is bothering me.

~Siri~ What's wrong?
~Olivia~ I just want one day of Bernadette leaving me alone and not bothering me in class. I do nothing to her and yet she tells everyone I'm the bully and they believe her.
~Siri~ I know pumpkin. It sucks like hell but this is what you do. Ignore her. If she tries to get a rise out of you, ignore her and continue to do your work. If she doesn't stop and your teacher blames you, you go to the main office and have Ms. Lou call me. I'll come get you. This is ridiculous.
~Olivia~ I know. I want to punch her so bad but I know that's not the answer.
~Siri~ Your right it's not the answer but if she hits you first, make that punch count. You will not get into any trouble with me or anyone. Now let's get you inside school and ready to learn, deal?
~Olivia~ okay let's go...

Siri's POV

Poor Olivia has had it with this bully. The school is a zero tolerance for bullying but they allow this child to constantly lie about claims on my niece. While I may not of given her the gift of life, I will protect her at all cost. It's ridiculous. We walk into the main office and are immediately greeted by Ms. Lou.

~Siri~ Good Morning Ms. Lou, have a good evening with your grand babies?
~Ms. Lou~ I did. They loved going to the park and watching movies. You ladies have a good night?

Right as Olivia is about to answer, Bernadette runs into the office. Great she is gonna start now.

~Bernadette~ Ms. Lou I need to see the principal....
~Ms. Lou~ for what?
~Bernadette~ She was mean to me yesterday.
~Olivia~ No I wasn't! I wasn't even near you yesterday. Your lying on me again. You always do it and Ms. Daniels always believes you along with Ms. Jenkins. It's not.....

Ms. Daniels walks out of her office and stares at my niece and Bernadette. We never got along.

~Ms. Daniels~ Olivia that's enough lying. You have instigated a lot of things with Bernadette. I saw you push her down on the ground yesterday at recess.
~Olivia~ I didn't even go outside to recess yesterday because I didn't feel good.
~Ms. Daniels~ Olivia that's enough please go to class and stop your lying. Next time your suspended from school. Ms. Danvers it would help us out greatly if you taught your niece the difference in telling the truth and lying.
~Siri~ It would help me if you disciplined the correct student instead of accusing the wrong one. If not I will be going to the school board about this...
~Ms. Daniels~ The school board won't come. I have had zero complaints on me since I've been the principal here. They won't investigate one small claim against me.
~Siri~ We will have to see about that.

I turn and give Olivia a hug and tell her that we will talk more when she gets home from school and I love her. She tells me she loves me too. I can see she looks defeated. I can't believe the audacity of Ms Daniels. She is the type of woman I despise. She brings everyone down to benefit herself. She sucks major balls.


Olivia's POV

So far this morning in class Ms Jenkins hasn't picked on me yet. But it's not even lunch time so it can all change. Bernadette however has sat on the other side of the room and made mean faces at me. I have tried answering questions and Ms. Jenkins won't even pick me to answer. I guess that's okay. It could be for the best.

As the day goes on, Ms Daniels comes to the classroom to watch Ms. Jenkins. We all know that this is to watch me and to make sure I am behaving correctly. I am always behaving but then again neither of them ever believe me. Ms Lou always believes me and I'm so glad she does. She knows I never pick on anyone. Towards the end of the day, Ms Daniels leaves the classroom. So far no major problems out of Bernadette.

As I'm walking towards the bus, I get pushed from behind and I fall and scrape my knee. I turn and see Bernadette laughing at me along side her friends. Ms. Lou is standing there tapping her foot. She caught the whole thing.

~Ms Lou~ Bernadette that was uncalled for. You pushed her from behind. She could of seriously hurt herself or worse. I will be informing Ms. Daniels of this immediately.
~Bernadette~ She whispered mean things towards me. I had enough of it.
~Olivia~ No I didn't. I kept my mouth closed all day I was here. You pushed me and I didn't do anything to deserve it.
~Ms. Lou~ Livie go to the bus. I'll call your auntie and let her know what happened. You be careful okay?
~Olivia~ Yes ma'am. Thank you .

I am so glad that someone caught her red handed. Now I don't know if anything will be done about it. But at least someone knows I didn't start this. As I'm waiting for the bus to leave, I see Ms Daniels yelling at Bernadette. This is only because someone caught Bernadette being mean. She won't get punished or anything. Ms Daniels will turn this all around on me and I'll get in trouble.

When I get home, my aunt Siri is sitting on the porch on the phone. I hope it's Ms. Lou.

~Siri~ Thank you Ms. Lou she just got home from school and we both appreciate this. (Hangs up). Hey there buttercup. Ms Lou told me about it.
~Olivia~ Yeah when I was on the school bus, Ms. Daniels was yelling at Bernadette outside but nothing will have a punishment. They'll turn this around on me.
~Siri~ Well this is what we will do. I have a tape recorder. Next week when I will drop you off at school, we'll have it set to record all day. We'll listen to it. But tomorrow the school board has a meeting. I will be going and Ms Lou will be by to watch you for me while I'm gone. Hopefully I can get some insight on why bullying isn't being handled or even taken seriously.
~Olivia~ Thank you. Can we order pizza for dinner?
~Siri~ Sounds like a plan Stan!
~Olivia~ I'm not Stan...

We both start giggling and laughing. I'm glad Siri took me in and I didn't get lost in a place where I didn't know anyone. I just want my aunt to be happy. I haven't seen her with a guy since she was with her ex... I hope it isn't because of me. Maybe she'll meet someone soon. One can only hope. 

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