Missed him

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Siri's POV

After the first few days of Parker not being at Livie's school and Ms. Daniels being there, we thought things would be going somewhat decently. But we were both sadly mistaken. Ms. Daniels would mark rude remarks about Olivia to her face, make comments about Parker not liking us anymore or just make comments about her parents to her. Olivia has a thick skin when it comes to something's but when is enough enough? I had it immediately and before any of this had happened, I had thought long and hard about transferring her to a better school especially for her well being. That was what mattered most. But this is the straw that broke the camels back. I had just finished two days ago moving all of mine and Livie's things to our brand new house. It is just 20 minutes away from where we used to live. Olivia doesn't start school for another few days, next Monday. She's excited to make new friends. Me I'm still working. I transferred to a shop my boss needed someone to be the manager of. I took it. It came at an incredible time. I can make my own hours. I will still be piercing. But I only need to be there when I need to be.

But one thing right now is missing with me. I miss Parker. I know it could be cured as quickly as picking up my phone and calling him but I'm scared. What if he moved on? What if he hates me because of this whole mess? What if me caring for my niece got to be too much for him? I just wish I knew so I could erase any and all doubts that I have right now. But I don't.


It's Friday. Originally Olivia wasn't going to start school until Monday but the superintendent invited her to come to class so she can get used to everything and her new teacher wanted to administer some base line test to see where Olivia falls with her knowledge. I said oh absolutely let's do this. I told her I would be a phone call away. She wanted to ride the bus home, so we met with the bus driver after we got her to the school today and it's an older lady who reminds us of  Ms. Lou. She said she would make sure Olivia gets home safely. I told her it was greatly appreciated and gave her my phone number if there were any problems.

As I finish unpacking Olivia's toys into her new room, I see the dresser that Parker helped us fix to match her big girl room. It makes me think of how he made me feel. All the feelings I would have whenever he would call me to talk, send me pictures or if he was with us at the old house. He made us feel complete. He made me feel whole for the first time in my life. But now I don't have it. I wish I did though. I place the boxes of her toys in her closet so that way she can have them wherever she wants too. I head into my room. It's amazing. I have a small deck off my room, privacy if I want it as well as having a reading area inside. 


I check the clock and see it's 3 pm. I got alot done today so far. I begin hanging up my clothes in my closet when I hear the rumble of a motorcycle. Not just any motorcycle either. It's Parker's motorcycle. I drop everything in my hands and rush out the house. I see him lifting up his sunglasses. You can tell these last few days have been hell for him too.

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