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Things hasn’t been so good for this Earth-like planet. First, an expansionist empire ravaged the whole world thousands of years ago and disappeared but not for long. Second, they only have a dozen years till this Empire returns and ravage the world again.

This made the goddess anxious, thus she summoned a superpower country from a planet called Yggdra. This country is called the Gra Valkas Empire or what the country’s population wants to call, the “Eight Empire”. Things was going nicely from the start. They had formed diplomatic relations with Paganda and Irnetia which was located east of their country. They have also formed allegiance with a local superpower, Mu which is also a summoned country from long ago. Things have been smooth up until Leifor, another superpower, killed Gra Valkan diplomats who were tasked on forming diplomatic relations with Leifor due to unknown reasons. Leiforan warships also sank a Gra Valkan passenger ship, the MV Queen of the Seas  containing Gra Valkan and Muan tourists and researchers to Otaheit, Mu’s Capital city for a joint research programs. This pulled GVE to war. Together with Mu,they crushed the Leiforan army with continuous bombing campaigns which targeted key industrial, military and political infrastructure. Leifor surrendered just a month later, transferring its superpower title to GVE.

Meanwhile in the Third Civilization Area, Parpaldia continues to dominate the whole region. They also have incorporated the continent of Rhodenius after the regional power, and also an expansionist kingdom, Louria tried to invade Esthirant, Parpaldia’s capital city, right after conquering and subjugating Qua Toyne and Quila’s demi-human population. On the northern side of Philades however, is in a dire situation.

The demon army, led by Nosgorath had reached the Kingdom of Riem and is threatening to destroy it. This made the whole world form an international Task Force led by the leading world superpower, the Holy Mirishial Empire, Mu, Gra Valkas and Parpaldia, to stop the demon army and retake the Kingdom of Topa who fell in the Demon lord’s hands. The task force eventually pushed the demons back to the continent of Grameus and even killed the demon lord Nosgorath and the three-headed dragon Aji Dahka , not without casualties. The task force have received almost a hundred thousand casualties ( approximately 25 thousand soldiers killed, 70 thousand wounded and 5 thousand missing) along with thousands of destroyed equipment.

This is where things turned south.
5 months before the 11 Nation Conference, a Pro-War faction composed of many high ranking government officials, military officers and civilians backed by the Annonrial Empire (a descendant of the Ravenal Empire), assassinated Emperor Milishial VIII and replaced him with his grandson, Milishial X, who have been against his grandfather's pacifist government.

The coup de tat and Emperor Milishial VIII's death was only made public during the 11 Nation Conference when the Empire’s elite 0th fleet, led by their flagship,the Orichalcum Magic Battleship and a Pal Chimera Flying Battleship, along with dozen of Annonrial Empire’s warships attacked the other nation’s fleet by surprise. However, GVE’s Grade Atlastar and several escort Carriers and destroyers, Mu’s La Kasami (this is a buffed version resembling HMS Queen Elizabeth ) and Parpaldia’s Deux-class Dreadnought, the Deux, escaped not without damages. The other nation’s casualties in this battle was over a hundred ships of the line, GVNS Marlin (a Gra valkan Cruiser), MNS Otaheit (Mu’s most advance Aircraft carrier), The Veronia (Parpaldian Paddle-driven Dragon Carrier, similar in concept with the USS Wolverine), various destroyers and hundreds of aircraft and dozens of Wyvern Hyperlords (Parpaldian wyverns bred to be able to match the Gra Valkan Antares mk.3 Carrier-based jet fighter, similar to the German He 162 and Mu’s Sea Marin Mk.4, a carrier-based monoplane similar to the American F4U Corsair). The Mirishial/Annonrial casualties however was only a couple of Alpha 5 fighters (similar to the soviet Mig-9), a dozen of Beta-6 bombers (similar to the American F2H-2B) and two of the unknown Annonrial Air-Superiority Fighters.

This puts the World Coalition, consisting of GVE, Mu and Parpaldia as the leaders and all member  outside of the 1st Civilization Area and Annonrial Empire, on the defensive. They might have the industrial and numbers advantage over the HME/AE technological superiority. Unbeknownst to them, a certain event might turn the tide of the war to the  favour.

To Be Continued....

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