•f o r t y t h r e e•

Start from the beginning

"Damn, daddy Dev must have that good dick, don't he?" Intrigued, Ashanti lost all subtlety and with Wynter backing her brashness the question stood, amusing all the ladies in the room.

Aya waved a hand in dismissal before shaking her head.

"He does but this little man is it for us."

"Okay sis, let's wait and see because that's what I said about Jahi but my man obviously had other plans."

"Well, Yara you knew Quincy couldn't wait to start a family, it's your fault really." Bringing Kaia to her next story, she turned to Yara while Wynter refilled his sangria and Ashanti decided on straight tequila.

"So Yara here is what we call a former commitment-phobe. She knows we love her, so she won't take offense."

"Nope, it is what it is." Raising her sparkling water, she nodded to Kaia to continue.

"She's the dopest party planner, like seriously she really is and this is how Jordan Clarkson came into her life, with his two baby mommas in tow."

Choking, Wynter looked over at Yara who shrugged as if this was nothing new. Jahi had left her side to poke around with the twins on their play mat. Yara watched him intently, still a bit shaken at how she'd nearly lost him.

"So , it's actually quite messy but Jordan saw her, she saw good sex so they fucked around. Believe me when I say we're all shocked they were a couple because Yara fought tooth and nail to keep them from achieving that status. However, he wore her down and they were engaged but broke up. She reconciled with Quincy, her ex and now they're engaged and have a child on the way. So our beloved Yara is a former WAG with soon to be two kids plus the bonus two that by proximity will technically be hers as well."

"Jayden and Callie stay with their father." Yara interjected sharply while Kaia gave her a look. Yara hadn't let any of her friends in on the drama that had happened the previous week, so they had no idea how true that statement was.

"They're at your house all the time to hang with Jahi Yara, it's okay to be a mother of four in your late twenties, really it is."

Giving a conspiratorial look to Wynter, Kaia flipped her hair from her face and lifted Kalila who was getting restless.

"You all know Zolee's story, so I guess there's mine left."

"Finally." Zolee, Aya and Yara had heard enough about themselves and now they were ready for Kaia to be put on front street.

"I was minding my business, working on the set of my show Love Games -"

"Ooo Bitch I love that show!" Wynter enthused "What they did to Jared at the end though, that shit wasn't right! That man was too damn fine and then they had you leave just like that for Aaliyah's character to get more shine, like she was cute or whatever but girl.."

"Right" Ashanti concurred "You know that wouldn't happen in real life, but you did the damn thing in that show. We weren't trying to bring it up but since you did, we love your work. It's crazy that our siblings are married but we've never really spoken since their wedding."

Always one for positive attention, Kaia grinned while Zolee soaked up the good energy among all the people she loved.

"Thank you, I try. Also you know how Keanu and Averi are always in their own bubble with their two munchkins as they travel the world. Where did I leave off? Oh yeah, I was on set, it was my first project and to celebrate my uncle got me tickets courtside to a Golden State game. He saved me from a stray ball, made eye contact and we were stuck since that day. He was all cocky and asked me for my number. I declined but I don't know. They all have this charisma about them. You can't stand them but you can't deny how attractive they are either."

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