Chapter 17 - Linh (Part 2)

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A/N: Omg I'm so sorry about the unannounced hiatus that this story has gone on, but I am proud to say that after over a year of work I have finally finished this fanfic! I wrote it all out on paper (because I write a million times better when I write on paper for some reason) and I just need to type it out. Twice a week I will post a chapter until we've finished the story! Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me!

"You see," Fintan said, breaking Linh out of her trance. "You are worth nothing. But you don't have to be."

Linh looked up at Fintan, and she was surprised to see that in his eyes he looked genuine. Many thoughts rushed through her head. She tried focusing on one thing at a time but that was so hard with Fintan still talking.

"We could make you something. Right now, you are lost. You have no purpose. We can change that. You are a brilliant little girl and where others may see weakness, I see the incredible potential." He looked into Linh's eyes, honestly. Maybe the Neverseen did have something to offer her. There, she could train her power without anyone telling her what she could and couldn't do. She wouldn't have to fit into the council's tight mold. Part of Linh's brain was saying remember what they did to you. Sophie needed her...didn't she? No. The rest of her answered. Stupid Sophie Foster claimed to be her friend and maybe Linh had even let herself feel something for her. Then, she changed. She started hanging out with Keefe and Fitz, completely forgetting about Linh until she needed her power and suddenly they were besties again.

No. There was nothing the Black Swan could offer her. Tam could come with her and they could live away from all the discrimination against their abilities and love life.

Linh set her jaw and had just started to make up her mind when she saw a flash of blonde hair out of the corner of her eye. Marella?

In the split second it took for Linh to turn her head, hundreds of thoughts crashed through her head. What would Marella think? Would they ever get to talk again if she made this choice, never being able to feel her soft skin, kiss her perfect lips? That was almost too much to bear and Linh felt overwhelmed until she saw that it wasn't Marella she had seen at all, but Sophie, inflicting on a Neverseen member she was fighting. Even as a rush of anger came over her, Linh still felt an ache from somewhere inside of her at the thought of losing Marella forever.

Fintan seemed to catch this sudden change of heart and started talking once again, and Linh felt compelled to listen.

"Love," he said, "is a powerful thing. You see, love is like a blade encrusted with rubies - it's beautiful until it makes you bleed. Maybe someday you will find the perfect person who will love you unconditionally, but Marella doesn't need you. She could be happy with anyone - she doesn't see the spark inside you that I do. A spark that could ignite a flame of passion and power with the proper training. That is what I offer you."

It seemed like the perfect deal. Linh didn't need to hurt her friends if she didn't want to but could properly learn her powers. She didn't have any of that in the Lost Cities.

Linh slowly broke out into a grin. "Okay." She said.

"That's what I like to hear." Fintan reached out to take Linh's hand on his own, when a fireball hit him square in the chest.

Art Credits: kamii uwu on Amino

Word Count: 633

Fire Meets Water - A Kotlc Marellinh Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora