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"I'm losing patience here!" Chloe says as she grabbed her jacket. "Elena! Jeremy! We don't have all day." She opened the door just to scream at the person at the door.

"Hello, Chloe."

"Oh, hell. Bye uncle John." She said as she went by him as her twin and brother showed up.

Elena saw Chloe getting in the driver seat causing her to go to the car. The twins shared one look that they both have when seeing John. "He wants something."

"You know it."
Chloe texted Damon about John being back. Alaric saw Chloe and walked over to her. "Jeremy's writing about vampires."

"He's about to find out. If Elena shows that she knows, Jeremy will snoop." She said. "When he finds out that she knows and compelled him, I won't be in trouble as I begged Elena not too..."

"You didn't want him to forget?"

"Alaric, we all deserve to know what's out there. It's not keeping us safe." She says. "Plus I am the one who has to tell him about me and Elena being adopted since she's worried about Stefan..."

"Chloe!" Alaric said causing her to look at him. "You ramble a lot when your mind is on something else."

"John Gilbert is back and I'm not too happy about it. Everything that is happening is just too much."

Alaric nodded. "What's going on between you and Damon."

"Friends with benefits." Was all she said as she saw Elena and Matt talking. "She's catching feelings for him again. Well, I'm gone to get popcorn and watch how everything goes."

"She is just like Damon."
Sometime that day, the twins walked with Jeremy through the park. "Jeremy, we were adopted, but that doesn't mean that we aren't brother and sisters." Chloe says.

"Was mom and dad going to tell you two?"

"Eventually." Chloe says. "Jenna was the one to break the news because they never got that chance."

Jeremy smiled at her. Chloe walked away as Elena drilled him about the vampire stuff. Chloe looked and knew. Jeremy was going to find out.
Damon walked into the kickoff party to see his favorite twin. "Hello, Chloe."

"How bad is it?" She asked as he pulled her onto the dance floor. "That bad?"

"He's drunk."

Chloe shook her head as Elena was dancing with Matt. "That girl is sending mix singals or she's catching feelings for him."

"I don't care." He tells her. "The only Gilbert I care about is in front of me."

Chloe smiled as she hated how he was getting her to fall in love with him. "I care about you too."

He kissed her head before walking away. Chloe turned to see Stefan gone. She was confused till she saw John. "Oh brother." She mumbled.

Walking outside, Chloe saw Elena cleaning Matt's face. "What happened?"

"Tyler was making out with Kelly and Matt caught them." Elena stated the facts. "Go find Stefan."

Chloe gave her a look. "No." She said as she ran off.

Elena sighed as she wished Chloe would do as she asks for once.
Damon saw Chloe leaving just for her to see John's body. She shrugged as she walked away not wanting anything to do with that man. "Chloe?" She turned around shocked till she saw the ring. "Stay away from them."

"I don't listen to Elena, so why should I listen to you?"

John watched her leave and looked at Damon who watched her go. He would be damned if one of his daughters were turned because of Damon Salvatore.

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