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Damon told Chloe to stay hid and watch. Chloe looked at Damon wondering why he brought her with him. She saw Vicki and knew this what he was going to do. Before she could say a word, she heard Damon. "Help."

"Are you okay?"

"And she's high." Chloe said as she watched Damon playing victim. "And you attack?"

Damon attacked making Chloe watch. She should be terrified by what he was doing, but at the same time, the blood on his face made Chloe feel something she shouldn't be feeling for a monster like Damon Salvatore. Damon looked up at the tree that Chloe was behind. "Come on out, Chloe, you're going to help me burn their bodies."

"Why did you kill Vicki?"

"Why was you going to stop me?"

"I would have if I was afraid to be the next meal." Chloe said as she watched him splash gas on them. She looked at Vicki and walked over to her. "I'm sorry, Vicki."

Vicki gasped causing Chloe to scream and fall back against Damon. "You just can't stay dead. Can you?"
Chloe smiled as she was drinking and dancing at the Salvatore. Damon watched a shirtless Chloe dance and watched her. Vicki was healed and awake as they partied. "Chloe, I never knew you to be like this."

"Just because I look out for others doesn't mean that I can't have fun." Chloe said as Damon walked over and started dancing with her.

Vicki looked at the two and saw the sexual tension between. The way Chloe danced with Damon was not helping the tension.
Later on, Chloe was asleep on the couch when Damon turned Vicki. Vicki shook Chloe awake making her look at him. "What?"

"We need to go.'


"Damon killed me."

Chloe raised up quickly and the two walked out of the Salvatore house. Chloe stopped and looked up to see Damon watching her. She flipped him off with a glare and left. Damon smirked as he was going to have some fun with Chloe Gilbert.
"Chloe." Elena said hugging her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, but Vicki."

"What happened?"

"She said Damon killed her while I was passed out drunk." Chloe says making Elena shake her head. "No judging."

The twins saw Matt walk in and then Stefan. Chloe just walked away as she was wanting to sleep some of her buzz off. She wouldn't know that Vicki was going to be the new vampire and that Damon was going to try his hardest to get her to fall for him.

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