Strange New Face

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Wasteland, a home for forgotten toons where everyone is safe, somewhat. Due to many inkblots and the creations of the mad doctor, there was barely any trouble to be caused with the help of the gremlins. Oswald, the toon in charge here, and the first forgotten toon looked around the place to see if they were in check, with the assistance of Gus the gremlin. "I'm still glad that no blots started going crazy for 2 weeks now," Oswald said, for the trouble-free progress of Wasteland. "Indeed, I am very impressed," he said, following the Lucky Rabbit. "Hmm I wonder how the family is doing," Oswald thought, looking towards the castle.

Deep in the mines, 2 of Oswald's sons played together, chasing one another around through the tunnels. "Nyeh, You can't catch me" Jr 15 spoke. "Slow down, you're going too fast" Jr 4 replied, chasing the other brother. "Oh come on, I'm not as fast as last ti-" 15 tried to finish his sentence until he rammed into the glass pipe face first. "I think you broke the pipe" 4 exclaimed, running up to his brother. "I think it'll be fine. It's not that big of a crack" 15 replied, trying to calm the other down. "Besides, I'm sure it'll be fine," he said, before the glass pipe shattered, dumping an unknown substance onto the ground. From the substance, a hand emerged, reaching out toward the poor kits. Without wasting another second, they both ran back to the castles, leaving the strange thing in the mines.

Oswald and Gus were near the Dark Beauty Castle by then, inspecting the cleanup from the old earthquake. "Restoration is going quite smoothly Oswald" Gus reported, checking his clipboard. "That's great to hear," he said, watching the other toons help out in the cleanup. That was when the 2 small kits ran towards him, shouting and crying. "Daddy there's a monster in the mines" 4 cried, running into his father's arms. "Monster, what are you talking about?" Oswald asked, seeing them shaking. "We were playing in the mines and I hit a pipe, it broke and a monster crawled out," the other said, a guilty tone in his voice. Oswald, despite already being frustrated from the mad doctor's trouble, decided to see if it was a stray blot that was in the mines, just to be safe. "Come on Gus, we need to check out the mines," he said, putting the kit down. "Kids, head to mama and stay safe. We'll see what it is" he continued, turning back to them. "Are you sure, it may be something hostile?" Gus said, concerned. "Gus, whatever it is, could escape and cause more damage to the town. We got to take care of it now," Oswald explained, passing the gremlin. Gus reluctantly followed behind, heading towards the projector to the mines.

The mines were quiet when they arrived, spotting a trail of an unknown liquid leading towards another part of the mines. "Alright, so it isn't a blot by the looks of this," Oswald said, confused but relieved. "But this could mean someone could be hurt," Gus added, following the trail. Oswald followed behind, watching the trail become thinner as they approached it, almost as if someone was dragging a leaking bottle of watered down paint. They followed it around a bend, revealing the source of the trail. The source of the trail was from a toon. He was black and white as any other toon but was different from the rest. He wore a gray suit white gloves and a bow tie, along with black shoes. As for what he was, they were too concerned about his state to tell. There a toon lay, bleeding enough for a puddle to form. "Oh goodness," Oswald shouted, running towards the unconscious toon. "He's still alive, but he's hurt badly," He said, Turning the toon by his side. His face was bloodied, oozing from his mouth. "Gus, help me out. Let's get him to the Med ward" He finally said, trying his hardest to carry him to the projector. With both their strength, they were able to head through the portal heading straight to Mean Street. Back in the mines, the pipe oozed more of the substance, by now, the ooze was colored differently, mixes of blue and red appearing. Growls emanated from it before a clawed hand sprouted from the puddle, an evil laugh can be heard as the projector was destroyed as they went through.

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