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TW: minor panic attack, vomit mention

Tony was beginning to despise this car. It's seats were comfortable at first. But now the firm leather paired with the nervous energy he was harboring made him want to scream, or jump out of the car, or both.

"You okay Tony? Do you want to drive I know you mentioned not liking when someone else drives you a while ago," Steve asked. They were already back on the highway when Steve proposed the idea.

"No it's okay Steve, besides it's a little too late now," he giggled but it sounded nervous.

"mhm okay," He paused for a moment, Steve had overheard Tony's conversation with Fury the other day. Not on purpose, his hearing was just too good for him to ignore the words the genius was whispering besides him in the car. "I think Fury might want an update," He said.

Tony froze, was he listening the whole time? He decided to brush it off, "An update on what captain, we've been on the road. Nothing much happened."

"I don't know Tony, how about you tell him about our eventful breakfast or something," Steve smirked.

"Alright old man, if you insist," he slipped his phone out of his pocket and dialed Fury's number.

"Tony are you okay?" Came Nicks voice down the phone.

"Yeah, Fury we're fine. Nothing much has happened. We had an interesting breakfast the good captain thought I should tell you about-"

"LET ME TELL HIM," Clint screamed from the back.

"gods Clint don't scream in such a small space," Bruce groaned.

"I assume you heard that Fury, i'm going to put you on speaker" Tony said, he moved the phone away from his ear and clicked a few buttons. He held the phone up and said, "go ahead Legolas."

"alright so you'll never believe this, we went to an IHOP and..."

Tony tuned out of what Barton was saying as he stared out the window. the kid would have loved this road trip. Besides the part where Tony had nearly thrown up. No. he needed to stop himself, start paying attention to Barton, Stark. You broke your rule, no thinking about the kid-"
suddenly he couldn't breath, suddenly tears were falling rapidly down his face. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought he may have heard Clint stop speaking. If he was more aware he might have heard Steve telling Fury to hold on for a moment, as he pulled the car down a side street. He would have seen the bright tulips that lined the field Steve had parked in front of.

"put me up to his ear" Fury ordered,

"Hey Tony, it's me Nick. I need you to breathe okay, we can't have you hyperventilating. This mission was a bad idea, i'm taking a jet out to you right now. The others can take care of this,"

"i t-thought about the kid," his breathing hitched and he grabbed the grass with his fist, wait when did he get out of the car? He looked up and saw Steve a few feet away, obviously trying to look like he wasn't listening.

"awe, Tones. It's going to be okay, the kid wouldn't have wanted this for you. I know it hurts but you need to try and focus on a good memory you had with him," Fury said, he himself starting to sound stressed.

"there was that one time when I bought him to the tower and he met Thor and Loki for the first time. The smile on his face was worth the stress of him meeting the god of mischief." Tony laughed sadly.

"I remember seeing pictures of that, everyone looked so happy. You did it he right thing by letting Loki live in the tower, even if you don't think it was the right idea."

"thanks Nick," he took as deep a breath as he could manage, and sniffled. His eyes felt heavy as he blinked. "I think I have a cold Nick," he coughed into his elbow, and saw Steve nearly run over but decide not to a moment later.

"of course you are, you can't catch a break Anthony Stark. I'll be there in about twenty minutes" Fury noted, "Try to get comfortable,"

"yeah, i'm on the floor outside right now Nick," Tony huffed.

"you know what i'm going to suggest?" he waited for Tony to hum in response, "Steve I know you can hear me, can you get Tony comfortable?"

Tony watched as Steve walked over, "of course Director" He crouched down, and waited for consent before pulling Tony into his arms. "I've got you Tones" he mumbled, pressing a light kiss into Tony's hair.

Road trip with the avengers // Ft. angsty TonyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora