previously on : enemies to lovers, i hardly know her

Start from the beginning

At this point i couldn't feel anything, adrenaline was flooding my body, it acted like a painkiller. So i continued hitting him, until my fists were all bloodied. He put up a good fight but at some point he stopped and went a few steps backwards.

"You are mental Zabini, come on Evan" he limped away from me. Evan! so that's his name. Evan Rosier, proper wuss he is, watching his friend get beaten up. I'll keep calling him Greg.

I could still see them in the hall. "Nice meeting you Greg!" i screamed. I could hear Evan mumble 'who the fuck is Greg.'

I wiped my cheek, i had a cut, blood pooling on my cheek.

I walked back to my dorm, i was almost skipping and humming. I went up the dorm stairs and there were all the Marauders right where i left them. James looked at me, sighed. "I'm guessing something got in your way." Sirius said wiping his face in exasperation. James got up, took my face in his hands ; "So let's see"

"You have one black eye, a bloody nose, a few cuts on your cheeks and one big on your lip, and i don't even wanna see your torso, who i'm guessing is black and blue." 

This hadn't been the first time i'd been in a fight, but every time i came back to the dorm after a fight, my friends would always help me get patched up before asking anything about who i fought or why.

"I'll go get the girls" Remus said getting out of his spot on the floor. Marlene would be the one patching me up. Her and her magical hands.

Marlene was first to enter, followed by Lily, Mary and Dorcas. I weakly smiled at them.

"Christ on a stick" Marlene mumbled.

She first took care of my face, cleaned the wounds and put strips where it was needed.

"take off your shirt then, come on don't be shy" She laughed and motioned me to take of my shirt.

It hurt to stretch my arms over my body. When i looked at my torso, it was bruised all over and bleeding in some places. Mary's mouth was agape.

"Merlin Alex, don't you know some restraint." Marlene laughed. She bandaged my torso and put some sort of cream on it she had nicked from the hospital wing, it made it slightly less painful but the bruises were still visible.

"Give me your hands" She also bandaged those. 

I could feel that i still had bruises on my hips and stuff but i didn't feel like bothering her anymore. 

She pressed against one of my ribs, i winced in pain and slapped her hand away; 

"I think you might've grazed a rib" 

"You should see the other guy"

"Alexis, you have to go to the hospital wing" She looked worried.

"no" no chance big man. 

"I know i can't argue with you but promise me you'll be careful" She turned to James. "Don't make him play quidditch. " She pointed her finger at him with a stern look.

"Aye, aye captain" He responded. 

"Come on Alex it's time for dinner. Lily gave me her hand to get me up and handed me my shirt. We all got down and trotted to the great hall. 

We all sat down in our respective spots and started eating the the various stuff on the table. 

"Barty huh?"

Remus discreetly pointed at him, he was in crutches. The others had noticed at this point. 

"Deserved" Mary hummed under her breath, 

"Shake my hand brother, for this win" Sirius handed me his hand, i gladly shook it. I in turn shook James hand. 

"Don't encourage him" Lily pinched James arm.

I looked at Barty, i seemed to have roughened him up quite a bit, and just as I he didn't go to the hospital wing otherwise he would be walking just fine.

He sat down next to Greg and barely looked at him, he sent a death stare at Regulus. Regulus covered his mouth in his hands, i could see him trying not to laugh. 

Regulus looked up at me, his smile faded, he studied my face, i would say he looked worried if i knew any better. 

Dinner quickly ended, and everyone trotted back to their dorms. I couldn't wait to lay down in a comfortable bed and try and get the burning ache to stop. My torso had kind of stopped hurting thanks to the cream Marlene applied, the more you waited, the more it had effect.

Everyone had gone up in front of me, i was walking alone, slowly but surely, i wasn't about to worsen my state.

'ground control to major tom'
'Ground control to major tom'
'Take your protein pills and put your helmet on'
'Ground Control to Major Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six)'
'Commencing countdown, engines on (five, four, three)'
'Check ignition and may God's love be with you (two, one, liftoff)'

I hum lightly.

This peaceful moment is rudely interrupted by somebody grabbing my bicep and pulling me into an empty classroom. 

"Bloody-" My arm hurts. 

a/n : 

Hey i'm back, been a bit, sorry about that a lot has happened : My dad is in a wheelchair cause he broke five bones in his hip, Exams have been slowly eating at my brain, both my uncles have entered a depression (they're getting help, they're fine don't you worry) My grandma broke her leg and has been in the hospital for weeks. It has been a chaotic ruckus but life has been getting better, sun's out and ive been making friends.

The fight scene is based of my first fight, i didn't get that hurt, but it was very fun, I don't condone violence. But for context, that guy was really getting on my nerves, he kept bullying my friends and I. Again, i don't condone it and i don't recommend it bc i got suspended from school for two days and got grounded. I'm trying to make j-him have anger issues but i might drop it bc i didn't establish it before. I have anger issues and it's very different from what i've established. 

anyways, take care
much love, charlie.

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