previously on : enemies to lovers, i hardly know her

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"What's up with you mate, are you gonna faint again" I had been spending all my days in bed.

"life sucks"

"do i get bonus points if i care" James screamed whilst following Lily out of the dorms.

Remus walked over to me kneeling down in front of my bed. "You got to move on mate" I know i have to.

"But i like him" i whined

"Don't do that to yourself" I am doing that to myself, but i should move on. He's so clearly uninterested by me so why should i care about him. There are tons of other men out there, if they'd want me that's debatable, but they might. I'm gonna keep my options open.


So the 'keeping my options open' ended up with me alone in a room with some guy in the same year as me (6th) who i forgot the name of, which is a good sign. And me pushing him against the wall and smashing my lips against his, it's sloppy and not as nice as when it's with Regulus. This is toxic, i'm being toxic to myself. 

I push him away from me. 

"What the hell" who the fuck says 'what the hell' it's so weird, is he American. He's a twat. 

So i just run out that room and go to my dorm.

The second after i put one foot in our dorm i get pulled by the collar and sat down on the floor in the middle of everything. 

"Alexis, we need to talk" I hear Sirius say. Everybody is hear sitting down around me, peter, James, Sirius and Remus who is mouthing 'sorry'. I can't see this ending well.

"You've been weird lately, you're not talking to us at all anymore, sneaking off at night, and all in all being super weird." Shit, it's true I have been avoiding them, especially Sirius and he's attached by the hip with basically all of my friends. 

"So tell us what's wrong, we are your best friends, you can tell us"

"well that's the thing i can't tell you guys" I scratch behind my ear. 

"i understand, we understand, if it's personal i don't want to intrude but how can we help" God Sirius is making this so hard, he's being so sweet. 

"I don't know" i bite my lip in deep thought. "I don't know" i say again but in a whisper this time. Merlin, i hate not knowing what to do. 

"Do you have a solution to your problem?"


"Go try something"

I didn't know what to do so i just roamed the halls kicking stones. I'm about to turn a corner when i hear some whispering, i recognize it as Barty and some other dude i can't bother to get to know. I stay behind the corner and listen in because i have nothing better to do anyways.

"what are you saying" i can hear the guy ask, i'm gonna name him Greg for the moment. 

"what i'm saying is that it's getting annoying" Barty whisper shouted

"Regulus he..." Oh we're talking about him.

"he keeps being weird and like... being nice to mudbloods, he can't even properly talk with me he's such a wussy, I can't believe it. He stammers and he's lanky and cranky, he doesn't want to do anything with me anymore, he's acting *r-slur*" that was the last straw my fist clenched and with all my will power i tried to not intervene, but he's being a proper prick. My blood is boiling, i'm seeing red.

I turn around the corner and punch him square in the jaw, Greg took a jump back out of surprise.

Barty rubbed his jaw and looked at me ; "what the fuck!" I hit him again in the guts this time. he made an 'oof' sound that made it all worth it. And then he hit me back, in the eye, that was gonna leave a mark but it was invigorating, it made me feel alive. He hit me again in the nose, i wiped it and saw blood, he didn't hold back. 

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