The Runaway Bride Part Three

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"Oo, look at this. Stunning!" The Doctor exclaims excitedly, as Celeste looks at the bubbling tubes with a look of disgust. 

"What does it do?" Donna peers at the tubes closely, Alfie just admiring from a distance.

"Particle extrusion. Hold on. Brilliant. They've been manufacturing Huon particles. Course, mine and Alfie's people got rid of Huons. They unravel the atomic structure." Alfie watched the Doctor with a fond smile at how excited the older Time Lord was getting. 

"Your people? Who are they? What company do you represent?" Lance's tone held a ring of panic but Celeste just turned around and flipped him off.

"Feisty behave love, we can't go around swearing at the humans." Alfie scolded lightly, a small smile on his face.

"Ugh fine. Bet you a twenty that she slaps him in the next five minutes." Nodding her head towards Donna and the Doctor, she holds out her hand.

"Deal. But I bet its within mmmm.... the next 60 seconds" Alfie grins, shaking his bonded's hand. 

"You're on."

The pair watch as the Doctor turns a knob on top of the container he was holding and Donna starts to emit a soft golden glow.

"Oh, my God!" 

"Oh my God indeed Donna." Alfie's voice was low, as he realised the danger Donna was in with Huon particles running around her body. 

"Genius. Because the particles are inert, they need something living to catalyse inside and that's you. Saturate the body and then. Ha!" The Doctor exclaims loudly suddenly, making Celeste jump lightly. Alfie sniggering quietly as he intertwines his fingers with hers. 

"The wedding! Yes, you're getting married, that's it! Best day of your life, walking down the aisle. Oh, your body's a battleground! There's a chemical war inside! Adrenaline, acetylcholine. Wham! go the endorphins. Oh, you're cooking! Yeah, you're like a walking oven. A pressure cooker, a microwave, all churning away. The particles reach boiling point. Shazam!"  

Donna slaps the Doctor, making him stop talking rapidly in excitement. Celeste sighs as she hands over twenty pounds to Alfie, grumbling quietly. 

"What did I do this time??" The older Time Lord looks other at Celeste and Alfie, a small pout on his face. 

"Are you enjoying this? Right, just tell me. These particles, are they dangerous? Am I safe?" Donna's voice raises as she panics slightly, Celeste walking over to the bride, her hand still intertwined with Alfie's. 


"Doctor, Alfie, if your lot got rid of Huon particles, why did they do that?" Donna asked a moment later, her voice calm as she took a steady breath. 

"Because they were deadly." The Doctor remained silent as whilst Alfie answered her, his voice grave.

"Oh, my God."

"Donna we promise you, we'll sort this out. Whatever has happened to you, we will fix it." Celeste took Donna's hand in her spare one and gave her a small smile.

"We're not about to lose someone else." Alfie speaks up, his thoughts of his sister as the Doctor lays his hand on the younger time lord that he see's as a brother. 

"Oh, she is long since lost." Everyone's heads snap towards a wall that was slowly moving upwards. Lance stays at the back, slowly sneaking out as Celeste bites her lip in worry about what was to come. 

A hole going down to the centre of the earth is to be revealed and the Doctor pulls Celeste behind him, not wanting her anywhere near the edge. Alfie moves closer to Donna making sure the bride wouldn't be in any danger of falling. 

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