gurukul part 2

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It's been 10 years since Ram and his brothers left Ayodhya. The four boys grew, up and they were unrecognisable to the Ayodhya citizens. And there is one more month till they went back. Though they grew up they were still children at heart and they all knew that.

after waking up Ram asks Bharat "Bharat, do you know where Laksh is? When I woke up he wasn't next to me."

"He went near the Waterfall with his friend Bhaiya. I saw him earlier," Bharat replies

Ram freshens up and goes outside and practices his archery until breakfast. Just before it was time for breakfast Ram waited at the Ashram gate for his brother, as he never ate his food without him.

After returning Lakshman, takes a deep breath and says "Bhaiya you know near the waterfall today I saw one of the rare crystals that Gurudev showed us. It was so beautiful."

After Lakshman finishes explaining what he saw at the waterfall both brothers go to eat. After breakfast, they finish all their lessons for that day. In their warfare lesson in which they were practising fighting Lakshman beats everyone who duelled with him.

"Ram, I want to duel with Lakshman. Lakshman, I don't want you to hold back just because he is your brother. He is also skilled with a sword though he is not as good as you," Maharishi Vashisht says

"Ji Gurudev," Lakshman replies

The duel begins. Just as their guru said Lakshman fights at full capacity with even his brother, but he is careful not to hurt him. Soon Ram is on the floor but he is smiling.

"I couldn't be happier to lose against you today Laksh," Ram says after getting up with a smile still on his face

Lakshman smiles at the compliment that his brother gave him. After lessons and lunch Lakshman runs off to the waterfall again to find those 'crystals'.

Lakshman returns to the Ashrama a little while later. Ram asks him if he wants to go on a walk and Lakshman nods. Ram and Lakshman return to the ashram after going for a walk and, the four brothers go to dinner. After they had their dinner, they go to Maharishi Vashisht as he called them.

"What is it Gurudev. You said it was urgent," Ram asks his guru

"It's not urgent Ram I just wanted to let you know that you will be leaving in a month's time to go back to Ayodhya. You boys have finished your education," Maharishi Vashisht replies.

All four of the boys are super excited. For the last month of their education they put in all of their efforts, and they are known as the best students in the entire Gurukul. 

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