The Mirror Call!

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3rd person POV

The children and the adults including Remus, Arthur, Tonks, Molly, and Sirius were all gathered in the kitchen along with Lily Luna.

"Shouldn't we call Dumbledore?" asked Teddy.

"No, we figured we shouldn't disturb him if this doesn't work but if it does work we'll just send him a Patronus telling him what happened." Answered Remus.

Teddy nodded.

Lily clicked on the mirror phone and waited for a few minutes.

After some waiting, somebody picked up. When we saw it closely we saw that it was older Harry or Adult Harry.

"Lily! Oh my god! Where are you? Are you okay? What happened?" asked Older Harry. He sounded worried.

"Dad! Oh my god! Hi! It worked! Yessss! I am okay." Said Lily.

"What happened? Where are you? Kreacher told us you disappeared! Is Teddy there with you?" asked Older Harry.

"Yes, he is. We all are here." Said Lily.

"Harry, who is it?" asked Older Ginny.

"Gin, its Lily. She's able to communicate with me through the mirror phone." Said Older Harry and All the Weasleys along with Ginny, Astoria and Draco came running towards Harry.

They all kept shouting either asking if the children were okay or scolding them until Older Harry shouted and asked them to keep quiet so he could ask what happened.

"Lily, give the phone to Teddy, please." Said Older Harry.

"Yes, Harry. I am here." Said Teddy.

"Teddy, what happened? How did you all disappear so suddenly?" asked Older Harry.

"Harry, um actually we accidently travelled 27 years to the past. We are in 1995 now, you're 5th year. We are staying at Grimmauld Palace with the Order. I am sorry, Harry. It's all my fault, I was supposed to look after them." Said Teddy sounding disappointed.

"Oh my god! How did you reach there? Teddy it's not your fault at all. It was an accident. So, don't blame yourself. Also, Al, I want to talk to you." Said Older Harry and Al came near the phone.

"This is the biggest prank I have ever seen. How did you do it? Oh my god! This is soo cool but why didn't you take me with you!" exclaimed Older George.

"George!" exclaimed Angelina.

"Sorry, Angie. I mean very bad kids you are! Very bad." Said George while everyone else laughed.

"Yes, dad. I am here." Said Albus.

"Al, did you do this by accident? Is Delphi involved? Is she manipulating you again? We don't blame you. You can tell us." Said Older Harry calmly.

"No, dad I didn't do this and Delphi isn't involved. How could she?

Last I checked, she was rotting in Azkaban." Said Albus.

"Who's Delphi?" asked Hermione.

"Deplhini Riddle. Voldemort's daughter who manipulated Albus into saving Cedric Diggory when she actually wanted to revive her dad due to which Albus and Scorpius messed the timeline so bad that they killed dad and ugly Voldy was alive." Said James nonchalantly while the others had a look of shock on their faces.

"It sounds worse when you say it like that." Said Albus and Scorpius nodded.

"James! What the hell?! You weren't supposed to tell them that! You dumbass!" exclaimed Lily.

The Wotters and Time travelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin