Memory 3-Lily!

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3rd person POV

We were in the living room of the burrow. The living room looked mostly the same except there were more pictures and some other minor changes, too. There we see Older Harry, Older Hermione, Older Fleur, Older Angelina, all the Weasleys but older and a woman we don't recognise but guessed it to be Audrey Auburn, Percy's wife.

They were all chatting animatedly amongst themselves when suddenly the door of the Burrow burst open and all the children came inside while saying 'Uncle Harry!' well except James, Al and Lily who were saying 'Dad!'.

"Ohhhhooo! They are calling you together, Harry. Do you remember what happened the last time they did this with Charlie?!" said Older Ron.

"Yeah, I remember, Ron. They practically argued with him for 1 hour to allow them to ride a dragon!" said Older Harry.

"Oh, then you know you are in trouble, Harry. Best of Luck." Said Older Ron grinning.

"I knew that already but thanks for the warning, mate." said Older Harry while giving Older Ron an irritated look.

"Anytime, Harry." Said Older Ron still grinning.

Then all the children came running and knocked into Older Harry in an attempt to hug him but due to that Older Harry fell down and an 'oof' escaped his mouth.

"I told you, you are getting old, mate." Said Older Ron and Older Harry glared at him.

"Uncle Harry, you are our favourite uncle. We love you the mosttttt." Said all the children except James, Al and Lily.

"Yeah, dad. You are our favourite dad. We love you sooooo muchhhh." Said James and Lily and Al nodded agreeing with him.

"I thought your favourite uncle was Charlie until last week." Said Older Harry.

"No, Uncle Harry. You are our favourite uncle. We have decided and it's final." Said Roxy.

"Well, that's good to know. As for James, I am your only dad." Said Older Harry.

"Doesn't mean you aren't our favourite!" said James.

"Yeah, Okay. Now, I know that I am not getting so much love just like that out of nowhere. Soo, Tell me what do you all want from me?" said Older Harry.

"What makes you think we want something? Can't we just love our Uncle the most?" said Rose.

"Rosie, I have known you all since you were born. Now, tell me what do you want?" said Older Harry.

"Okay, well we just want you to take us to the ministry. We want to see it." Said James.

"You know I can't do that, James. There are rules that need to be followed. It is not allowed to take children to the ministry until it is really urgent and necessary." Said Older Harry.

"But Uncle Harry, you are the Head of Department of Magical Law enforcement. You could take us." Said Dominique.

"That doesn't mean I should ignore the rules, Dominique. Even though I am Head Auror, I can't break the rules." Said Older Harry.

"Okay, Uncle Harry. But Aunt Hermione's the minister of Magic. Can't she take us?" said Roxy.

There was a collective gasp from the past people after hearing Hermione's the minister of Magic in the future. Some even congratulated Hermione.

"No, I can't, Roxy. As Harry said, It's against the rules and neither I nor anybody else should break the rules." Said Older Hermione.

All the kids see Older Ron and give him puppy eyes.

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