Who Dies? :(

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3rd person POV

"But why was there a portrait of me at your home? Aren't portraits made for dead people? Am I dead?" asked Sirius.

"And why were Remus and I not there on Teddy's birthday?" asked Tonks.

Everyone gulped and looked towards each other.

"Well, you see, there's going to be a war." Started Teddy slowly.

"And in a war, many people lose their lives for the greater good." Said Teddy sadly.

"We have never met some people in this room." Said Teddy, and everyone gasped.

"Who all?" asked Mad-Eye.

"I don't think it's a good idea to tell you all who dies in the upcoming war. It could threaten the future." Said Teddy.

"Oh come on, you're going to Obliviate us anyway." Said Fred and everyone agreed.

"I don't think we're going to remember any of this. So, just tell us." Said Sirius.

Teddy looked towards Dumbledore for approval. Dumbledore nodded.

"Well, first Sirius dies at the end of this year." Said Teddy hesitantly.

"Noooooooooo! Noo! Noo! Sirius can't die. He's the only family I have got left. No, you can't leave me Sirius." Said Harry crying. Sirius just stood there shocked unable to say anything.

"How?" croaked Sirius.

"You died saving Harry from death eaters at the end of this year but Bellatrix killed you." Said Teddy.

Sirius nodded.

"Please tell me Bellatrix is dead in the future." Said Remus.

"Yes, she is dead. Grandma Molly killed her when she tried to kill Ginny." Said Teddy.

Everyone was astounded after hearing that Molly could kill someone.

"You are lying stop joking around." Said Harry while pointing towards Teddy.

"Teddy is not lying, Uncle Harry. It's true." Said Victoire.

"Harry, you'll be fine without me. You have survived without me till now, I am sure you'll be okay without me and you have Remus. Don't you?" said Sirius also on the verge of tears.

"Nooooo. My parents left me, not you too. Nooo!" said Harry hugging Sirius.

"I know it's unfair, Prongslet. But that's how life is- unfair" said Sirius also sobbing.

Everyone consoled him and Harry.

Then James, Lily, and Albus suddenly hugged Sirius and

Said, "We miss you too, Sirius."

Sirius just hugged the three and cried.

"Next Professor Dumbledore dies." Said Teddy.

"Nooooo! You are lying. Stop it! It's not funny!" said Harry.

"No, how are we supposed to win this war without Dumbledore?" said Molly.

"Yes, you-know-who only fears Dumbledore! How are we supposed to defeat him without Dumbledore?" said Arthur.

"I reckon you'll be fine without me." Said Dumbledore calmly.

"How did Professor Dumbledore die?" asked Hermione.

"Professor Snape killed him but he was supposed to. It's a lot complicated even I don't get it fully." Said Teddy.

"Snape? How?" said Remus.

Everyone was confused but decided to let the matter go.

"Next Alastor Moody dies." Said Teddy.

Moody didn't show any emotion he just asked how?

"You died while fighting Voldemort himself," said Teddy not revealing too much about the future.

Moody was content that at least he went down fighting.

"Hedwig dies next." Said Teddy.

Harry sniffled and cried again.

"Then, Dobby died while rescuing some people from the Malfoy manor including Harry, Ron, and Hermione." Said Teddy.

Harry nodded and sniffed.

"Then, Fred died in the Battle of Hogwarts." Said Teddy.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOO! Not Fred!" sobbed Molly.

"Noooo! You are lying! He can't die! We promised to be together with our whole lives." Said George and cried.

Everyone was crying but Fred just stood there dumb folded not knowing what to say.

All the Weasleys were hugging each other and crying and Fred was now telling them that it was okay. At least he went down fighting.

"What's the Battle of Hogwarts?" asked Remus.

"It was the final battle that happened and many lives were lost that day." Said Teddy.

"Who next?" said Bill clearly crying.

"Well, I- Ummm I- Mum dad, I-, this is the first time I have met you both." Said Teddy on the verge of tears.

Tonks immediately started crying hard while hugging him.

Remus looked on the verge of tears as well and he was hugging both of them.

"How old were you?" asked Tonks crying.

"Almost a year old." Said Teddy.

"Who did you live with after we- you know?" asked Remus.

"I lived with my grandma Andromeda till she was alive. After that Harry took me in," said Teddy.

Remus and Tonks thanked Harry.

"Then Professor Snape dies next." Said Teddy

3rd person POV

"Other than that 50 other people also died in the Battle of Hogwarts like Lavender Brown and Colin Creevey." Said Teddy.

Everyone was still crying and consoling each other on their respective losses. After some time, everyone became quiet and composed.

Then, Lily went to Professor Dumbledore and said, "Professor, could I share one more memory, please?"

Dumbledore seemed reluctant so, Lily said again, "It will lift everyone's mood. Please, Professor."

Dumbledore agreed and Lily closed her eyes and played the memory in her head while smiling.

Dumbledore put his wand near her head, extracted the memory, and put it in the Pensieve.

As the memory started playing, Everyone's attention became focused on the memory.

A/N Hello guys! Ik this is a small chapter and some of you might even be fed up with the memories but I can't stop! I love the memories. I promise this memory will be the last one.

After that will be the most amazing chapters you have ever read.

Please Vote and Comment! See you next chap!

Over and Out!



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