Chapter II - Patriotic War

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At 4:30, everyone wakes up early and packs up for the war. While Joseph gets ready for the battle, he sees Timothy is just sitting on his bed.

Joseph: Hey Timothy, let's go

Timothy: I can't, why did I join the military

Joseph: Look, I know this is scary but we need to be brave, we are soldiers after all

Timothy: You're right, but if I got shot, you're the one carrying me

Joseph: Alright man

Everyone lined up as Commander Flynn gave them morale and motivation. The soldiers are ready to fight and entered the Jeeps to transport them to Western (TB Map. An hour later, they arrived at Western with the other divisions.

Commander Flynn shoots his gun to the sky, which means they have to attack. All soldiers began to attack with the Aviators flying over the skies using explosions against the TDS tanks.

Timothy began to shoot the enemies with his railgun, but he was a bit scared to shoot them. Commander Flynn (CF) noticed Timothy and came forward to him.

CF: Timothy, do not be scared like little girls, you are a man in the military.

Timothy: Yes sir *stutters*

Commander Flynn continued attacking TDS, and then Joseph came to Timothy.

Joseph: Are you alright?

Timothy: Kinda, this is of course my first war, also why are you so calm?

Joseph: Well, I watched too many war movies

Timothy: Oh yeah

Joseph: Okay, continue attacking the enemies, make the commander proud.

The night arrived, and the battle stopped. Medics (From TB:BF) are healing the injured soldiers, and Commander Flynn is also making strategic plans with the other division commanders. Of course, Timothy and Joseph are chatting about the war again.

Joseph: It was a great start

Timothy: I guess, but I always think that I'm going to die 

Joseph: Don't worry, I can protect you

Tomorrow in the morning, the TB military moved into TDS and entered the Deserted Village (TDS map), then the TDS soldiers sneak attacked and killed some of the TB soldiers. The TB soldiers started attacking the TDS soldiers and began a battle in this village. Commander Flynn shoots his gun into the sky like before.

Timothy is more confident than ever, which made Joseph proud. TDS defend with tanks now so Tubers and Mortars are called to shoot them, and then Timothy has started to fire his Railgun on the enemy tanks too. Soldiers (the tower) are raiding houses that could have enemies in them. Snipers are attacking the enemy front line from getting closer, then a sniper from TDS shot the Commander of the Sniper division.

A jeep just stopped at the military camp and a TB soldier gave a note to Commander Flynn and said it is from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then, Commander Flynn read and announce that Evolution Evade is on our side since TDS has stolen their helicopters.

The news from a TV has reported that the TDS Air Forces are bombing Oil Rig (TB map), another report shows that Tower Galactica, Bootleg Tower Battles including TB's closest ally; Tower Blitz declined to join the war. However, Tower Blitz still gives supplies to Tower Battles as an act of support.

(Meanwhile at Oil Rig...)

Oil Rig Commander 1 (ORC1): We need help from the Aviators

Marksman: Yes, sir

Minutes later, the TB Aviators have arrived and are attacking with the TDS Ace Pilots. Lots of explosions happened including planes falling. This battle between the planes is live on TV, TB Snipers on Oil Rig are also helping by shooting the Ace Pilots using night vision. The Ace Pilots bombed the support structures of the Oil Rig and made the platform fall with explosions happening, the stream stopped immediately. 

Evolution Evade (EE) military joined the battle tomorrow morning. The General shook hands with the Commanders and talk about strategic plans. Meanwhile, the Infranties and Turret Guards get ready with their weaponry and ammunition. TDS Commanders (TDSC) are spying on them and are worried about their future.

TDSC1: We need a better strategic plan now since TB got an ally against us now.

TDSC2: Should we use the Beast now?

TDSC1: Why are you a commander? We do that later

TDSC3: What about the Mecha?

TDSC1: Great idea, since they haven't released the Zed into battle, we can surprise them.

Back in the military base, the EE military brought Artilleries too. The TB Commanders are good about it since they only have Mortars as a long-range explosive defense. Later, the TDS Mechas are here, they only sent Mark I and Mark II since the higher level ammunition are expensive.

The battle began, so EE and TB soldiers start to attack the TDS soldiers until they see that Mechas are called to attack. Timothy reports about the TDS Mechas and Commander Flynn thanks him for the report and then sent him back to the battlefield. Commander Flynn called the Commander for the Zed Division (CZD).

CF: Hello sir, we need your help now.

CZD: Yes, how may I help you?

CF: The TDS military sent Mechas, so we need your Zeds right now.

CZD: Right away

In the Zed military base, CZD announces all Zed drivers to start up their Zeds and roll out to the road. Minutes later, all Zeds are lined up on the street, the CZD announce they are going to the war against TDS.

CZD: You are all going to the battlefield against the TDS military. You will have Evolution Evade military on your side, please survive as best as you can. Now, let's go!

Back on the battlefield, the EE Artilleries are shooting the Mechas and Tanks from TDS. One hour later, the Zeds are finally here and ordered by the CZD to attack now. The TDS soldiers are trying their best to shoot the Zeds but of course, it only scratches them. 

The battle continues at night with TB Snipers and EE Snipers shooting at the TDS Snipers. Later the shootings stopped, then a group of the Infantry played jazz music to help the soldiers motivate.

Joseph: Look at that, you're still alive

Timothy: Yeah

Joseph: Never give up until the end, just like in training

Timothy: Thanks man

Meanwhile in the TDS military camp...

TDSC1: They have called their Zeds, should we get the highest Mechas into the battlefield?

TDSC2: Sir, they're too expensive

TDSC1: I know, wars destroy economies anyway

TDSC3: Should we just unleash the beast?

TDSC2: I agree with that

TDSC1: Okay fine, but if it doesn't work, we are dead

Back in the TB and EE military camp

CF: Joseph and Timothy, please report to my office

*Joseph and Timothy came to Commander Flynn's office*

Joseph: Yes sir, how can I help you?

CF: Since you have been supportive and hard-working brothers, I have promoted you to a new rank (Level 4).

Joseph and Timothy: *both surprise* Thank you so much, sir!

CF: Your welcome, now go rest for tomorrow

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