chapter 1 - season 1

Start from the beginning

"Well, alright then. I promise to see you when I wake up, okay?" You give the small girl a smile. She nods her head, hugging you once before you get up from your spot and leave the nursery.

Xen follows you out, walking you to your temporary room in one of the apartments. He grasps your hand in his as he does, fingers entwined together. Even such a simple act makes your stomach butterflies flutter wildly.

"Rest well, okay?" He murmurs as he stops in front of the door to your apartment unit, you nod your head in response. "I will," Or at least, the best you can with your demon forever pestering you with nightmares.

The boy hums, leaning in and brushing his lips softly against your forehead. The action makes your cheeks heat up and tint a light shade of red. Turquoise eyes smile at you and you smile right back, "alright, I'll see you tomorrow." Your voice is barely above a whisper. Xen nods, bidding you goodbye as you retreat into your room.

You spend the next hour washing up in the nearby pond and cleaning yourself up. You make yourself dinner to fill your stomach before laying on your bed and closing your eyes as exhaustion takes over bit by bit.

Screams of horror tear through the air, almost making your ears bleed. Your head shoots up, eyes going wide as alarm courses through your body. It sounded like it came from your living room where the rest of your family was.

You can hear some sort of liquid splatter thickly onto the floor outside your room, somewhere down the hall. The sound is eerie, making you almost sick in the stomach and you have a bad feeling about it. 

You rush out of your room, slamming the door against the wall only to come into contact with a vampire. A vampire with long silver hair and rather flashy clothes stands before you, his sharp nails digging into the skin of your younger sister, his teeth sank into the juncture of her neck. He holds her up in one hand with ease, sucking the life out of her as if it was nothing. His eyelids are shut as he does, seemingly enjoying whatever he's doing.

To the side, the rest of your family huddles in fear, watching with wide and hysteric eyes, the nightmarish scene unfolding before them.

Horror grips at your body and you're unable to move, watching your own sister die in front of you. Her blood trickles down from her neck messily, splashing onto the floor in thick droplets, almost making you gag; in fact, you would have if you weren't scared shitless. Your sister's face is contorted with pain, her eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open in a silent plea for help. However, her facial expression drops all of a sudden and she remains unmoving in the vampire's arms. At the same time, your heart drops to your stomach.

The vampire pulls away a few moments later, blood dribbling down the corner of his lips. His tongue darts out to lick whatever is left as he drops your sister's dead body onto the floor. Her body lands with a loud and sickening thud, only causing the pit in your stomach to grow deeper.

Crimson eyes peer at you menacingly, even sadistically. The vampire is smiling, no, grinning from ear to ear like a psycho. "It's too bad she's dead, her blood tasted so good." He sighs helplessly, shrugging his shoulders. "I wonder if you'll taste the same." A smirk tugs at his lips, his hand reaching out towards you.

Fear winds around your limbs and squeezes tightly, you're unable to run, or move even. You think this is the end of you, your death is inevitable. You're no match for a vampire anyway. Accepting your fate is the only thing you can do. Your mind screams hysterically at you to run, yet your body doesn't listen one bit, frozen stuck to the ground.

"No!" You hear someone yell, it was your mother. She flings her body in front of you, shielding you from the vampire. You can see how the vampire smirks as he retracts his hand. Perhaps he's rethinking his choices, right?

i will wait for you // mikaela hyakuyaWhere stories live. Discover now