Itsuki pushed through the creaking door. "You bunch of inconsiderate assholes." Itsuki said indignantly, heaving heavier than everyone else. She glared at the remaining people of the group, Gon, Leorio, Kai, Killua with an unconscious Kurapika on his back. All was there except the girl who warned them about the 5 other troupes members, now Itsuki knew her as Melody, had to leave due to her bodyguard job.

Kai elbowed her lightly. "Hey. No swearing."

Itsuki backed away from Kai, ignoring him. "You all literally just left an unconscious Shitto out there. If I didn't come back for her- Lions."

Everyone kept silent, most looking very guilty. Although Itsuki knew she couldn't really blame them. As herself nearly left Shitto out there. But it wasn't that anyone intended on forgetting her. Shitto was just really unnoticeable.

Still Itsuki continued. "This is not even funny. Shitto could have died."

Killua rolled his eyes. "Good."
Itsuki narrowed her eyes at him.

"And then I'll send Kai right after her." Killua continued as Itsuki just stared at him, wondering where all the hostility came from. Killua didn't look happy at all "Don't act like Shitto wasn't the reason you were kidnapped."

Itsuki bit back a shock. "Hold on, How did you know-"

"Anyone with a brain could have figured it out." Killua said, still looking angry. "Who else could have ratted out your location?"

Others were shocked at the revelation.

"I knew she couldn't be trusted." Killua muttered lowly, to no one in particular.

Kai looked the most guilty. "She..."

"Oh don't give that bull-" Killua said exasperated.

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" Kai snapped.

"Anything out of your mouth is bull-"

"Guys." Gon stepped in between the two, his arms spread out to stretch the distance between them, his brows pulled together. "This is not the time for arguing! Shouldn't we catch up with Itsuki first? We still don't know what happened to her."

That shut the both of them up.

"Okay, so, where do I even begin." Itsuki stepped in, feeling all the spotlight on her. And as she began to rewind back to the beginning of this whole ordeal, Killua took the time and carried Kurapika, and with Leorio's help, laid him down gingerly on what seemed the most comfortable place in this room.

"So he is tying me up and..." Itsuki carried on with her story as Killua gestured for the unconscious Shitto from Itsuki's back. Itsuki felt the weight of Shitto being lifted. "And then immediately..." Itsuki continued. And suddenly she was interrupted by a loud thud. All heads turned to the sound.

Itsuki gasped, "Killua! Don't just drop her on the ground." Itsuki said as she rushed over to Shitto, now looking even more unconscious.

Killua just shrugged. "I think I'm being pretty damn gentle considering it is her."

Itsuki frowned slightly, shooing Killua away from Shitto.

And Itsuki was able to get through the rest of the story peacefully, without much interruption. "And that was that."

"Woah." Gon stared, mouth open in awe. "So you can just... like slow people down by throwing rocks at them?"

"Yeah!" Itsuki beamed. "At least I think so."

Killua raised a questioning brow. "That's stupid."

Itsuki immediately gave him a defensive glare. "No it isn't, it's an awesome ability."

Killua shook his head. "You can't just throw little rocks at people and somehow "slow them down" Killua said, using air quotes. "More realistically, it has something to do with your nen."

Itsuki gave him a thoughtful look. "Now that I think about it... I did have my Nen activated."

Kai perked up. "Maybe you projected your Nen onto the rock." Kai suggested. "The master who taught me Nen was an Emittor and he could easily detached his Nen."

"That isn't possible." A weak but familiar voice spoke.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise, just in time to see Kurapika struggling as he tried to hoist himself up. Leorio quickly pushed him back down.

"Kurapika!" In an instant he was swarmed by the teens. "How are you feeling Kurapika?" Itsuki asked earnestly.

However before he could reply, he drifted back to the unconscious state. He didn't look too well. The fatigue from the entire night was beginning to take effect on him. Itsuki rested her palm on Kurapika's forehead, feeling the uncomfortable heat. "Kurapika doesn't seem to get better, even with my blood..."

"He's tired. His power takes a toll on him. It isn't a disease your blood can cure. Don't worry." Killua said. Itsuki nodded in understanding.

Killua continued."But I do agree with what Kurapika said. It isn't possible. I really don't think Nen can be passed on merely by skin to skin contact." Killua pondered. "It can't be that convenient. There has to be something missing. Itsuki, could you please go over again from the beginning of the battle. As much detail as possible."

Itsuki sighed. "Right. But can I at least get some refreshments or something? I'm absolutely starving."

Kai suddenly beamed at the request. He quickly shoved his hands into his pocket, and pulled out a chocolate bar. He smiled at Itsuki's excitement. Itsuki happily accepted the chocolate. "Lions I love you."

She didn't notice the glare Killua sent her.

It was merely a careless comment. Itsuki didn't realise she had caused quite the stir.

Nearly all heads turned to the suddenly quiet Killua. Gon had the immediate impulse to pull Itsuki aside as she munched on the piece of chocolate.

A sick menacing aura stretched across the entire room.

Killua looked like he could murder someone.

 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗿 (Killua x oc) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora