The Hero must Go

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Welcome to Part 2 of Greatest Hero: Book 1.


We continue 2 days later

Chaos Pov:

I don't know how 3 of my kids lose a fight to this unknown figure. So far me and my council has been wondering how this thing got past us without us even knowing. Like how long has this thing been in are world. Tartarus up but Nyx and Erebus are still out. It was like that thing was sucking there power a way. Nyx and Erebus domains are some how in use even though I can see from where. What in the world are we going to do.

Tartarus Pov:

I still don't know how it beat me then 2 of my siblings in one day. It was if it has been watching us the hole time. The council meeting starts again in a couple of minutes. 

Couple minutes later

Chaos started talking he has been stressed all day worried about the rest of us. He even got Gaia back due to him not wanting us to get drained of power. "Any idea what this thing wants" he asked. "To are knowledge it only wants power from everything," said Nemesis. "So why us first" Eros said. "Because it is suck here with us" as I said that everyone looked at me. "Explain" "Well in a way are area are like its version of the underworld and it wants out" "so why attack us?" "It's trying to get more power for it to break out to the human realm." as I said the part everyone's eyes got wide. 

Chronos Pov: 

As he said that there was a boom that only I can hear in my domain as if someone was time traveling. But that is not possible unless he is related to me or Kronos. "Did Kronos ever have more kids?" Choas replies, "he ate all of his kids but the current gods" "Are you sure" "Why are you bring this up" "Well someone is using the time domain and it not me" "So Kronos" "No he is reforming still"

Chaos Pov: 

 I went to go check all of Kronos kids and found something bad. "Everyone I have an announcement" as I said that everyone looked at me. "Kronos had a demi-titan" "So?" "His DNA matches the figure DNA" "WHAT!" "So, you are telling us he had a Demi-titan that can beat a primordial!" "Yes"

Chronos Pov:

"He is getting an army by going back in history" as I said that everyone looks at me. "What." "He is an getting army from past enemies in order to kill us" 

Thanatos Pov:

"How do we beat him" I said. "We kill his generals and then kill him in present time" Chronos said. "We can't stop him without changing history fully." Chaos said. "So, we need a warrior that can beat him"

Eros Pov:

Well, there is that one hero who is the best. "Why don't we send Percy back?" this got everyone thinking. "We could get the fates to force him to do this"

Fates Pov:

Well great he is going to hate me more now. "Fine"

Back to the real world

We see the Gods and Demi-gods happy witch is weird, but it is a time of peace for them so. I guess it makes sense. We have to call the gods. Time to show that we are here. We appear Infront of Hestia who is sit on her throne. We speak "Get everyone for it is of great importance." She sends a message to all the gods and goddess. The show up and sit on their thrones.

Zeus Pov:

I see the lady fates in the middle of the room. "Why are you here?" they look at Hestia and speak ignoring the question "we said call everyone." "Call the demi-gods from both camps" I say and Hermes and Apolo go get them. What do these Ladys want.

Annabeth Pov:

Me and Percy have just been relaxing for the past 2 days. I was going to see Piper later to plan me and Percy wedding. At the current time the hunt where at camp with us so Percy went to hang out with Thalia and the hunt. Then I see Apolo, and he look fearful as I see he is making an announcement to all of camp. "Everyone to Olympus now"

We all go to Olympus, and I see Percy not looking happy. I walk over to him and see that the Fates are in the middle of the room. I start to get worried we all have peace and now it could over. 

The Fates look sad as they say, "something bad has happen" Zeus look at them and says, "1st why aren't you speaking in your normal way and 2nd what happen" Then look around they look horrible, and I don't me their normal faces. They speak and say, "war is coming and due to the enemy, the laws that make us speak like that are gone."  My face paled so did everyone else no one has made them scared like that before. "Due to this we want a Hero to go fight his generals one by one" they say.

"How may do you need to go on this quest?" Zeus asked. "One" they say. "One?" "Yes, only one and even though I don't never want someone to go on this quest, but the primordial council say that Percy must do this and go alone" 

"That not fair!!!!!!!!!" as I say that everyone looks at me. "We have peace and Percy, and I can have nice life now you want him to go fight something that scares the primordials are you crazy." 

"I don't want to do this, but he has to" Fates says back. They look at Percy and seem to be mind messaging him. Before he look at me sadly. 

"I will do it" Percy said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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