Hey Sam

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Hey Sam
If you are reading this
That means I'm dead Now
Oh well
Because of this virus, we couldn't hang out as much as I wanted too
Spending most of my time in this hospital
Having doctors and nurses doing all they can
But you have to accept this

I know you're probably upset
Or eaven devestated
But this is life
People die but are also born
Life os short it can be taken away so easily
This is something everyone has to accept

Hey Sam
You know I was the one who always stole your cookie when we were kids
Remember? But don't worry I've kept one for you
This is a virus its a living thing
Something so small became so big

Look everywhere thats what everyone has been talking about or so I assume since I'm dead now
I hope I see you in heaven someday
But don't come too quickly
Don't forget to eat the cookie I left for you
Goodbye Sam.

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