Mallows Spells Trouble

Start from the beginning

"You do too, and you're trying to scare us."

"No I'm not, I don't know what's going on," a genuine look of concern was on his face, and I knew he wasn't lying.

"Just continue the story," Ashton said.

"Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, the chain saws," he paused, to see if there would be noises again, but it had stopped.

"As the chainsaws got closer, she panicked more. She ran towards where she thought her house was, but she hadn't turned the lights on to save money. She ran straight into something hard, and arms wrapped around her."

Right when he said that, arms wrapped around me. I thought it was just Ashton, but I looked and both his arms were making a s'more. I screamed, and turned around to look who was touching me.

"Hey, Abby," the voice whispered in my ear.

It was my creep of an ex-boyfriend Andrew, or Drew, which I called him that often.

"Don't touch me!"

Ashton, Harry, Lauren, and Hazza turned around to see who was there. I ran towards the fire, to get away from him.

"What's wrong, Abby? Don't you still love me?"

"I don't love you, I never did. I like someone else now."

"You got over me quick."

"Abby, who is that?", Ashton asked.

"This is my ex, Andrew."

"We never broke up though."

"Yes we did, I don't like you. Get off this property."

"How about... no. I still love you. You're still mine."

"Leave her alone," both Harry and Ashton said.

"I'll be back," he said, and ran back into the woods.

"I hope you run into a tree," Harry said, and seconds later, we heard a bang! and we knew that Andrew had.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Ashton. He was crazy."

"It's okay, Abby. Ibe made bad relationship choices too,"

he looked at me, thinking I the wrong idea," But not you and me, of course..."

"You guys are dating?" Lauren asked.

"Um yeah. But you can't tell mum."

"Okay, Ashton. Hazza won't either, right?", she said as she nudged him, but realized he was asleep.

"Okay, I need to bring Hazza into the house and put him into his bed. Lauren, you should go to bed, too, Lauren," Ash said.

"I'm going back to our house, Abby," Harry said.

"Okay, g'night, big bro," I said as I gave him a goodnight hug.

Lauren walked back to the house, and Ashton and I held Harry in the dead man's hang position. He was sleeping so peacefully, we didn't want to wake him. We brought him into the house, where Anne-Marie was without my mum.

"Your mum went back to your house. I see Harry's pooped out. Thanks for putting him to bed Abby. You'll have to babysit with Ashton sometime."

"Thanks Anne-Marie."

We laid Harry on his race car bed, and I tucked him in. We walked down the hall to Ashton's room, because he wanted to show me it. I sat back on his bed, and he sat next to me.


"I'm sorry for the weirdness earlier, Andrew's a total creep."

"It's okay. When did you guys-"

"I broke up with him 3 days ago."

"So we got together pretty quick, huh?"

"I guess so. But anyway, you wanted to show me your room?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll try to get you home as soon as possible."

He showed me the video of him and his band playing a cover of Teenage Dirtba, which was done around last Christma. He showed me a few others, too.

"Hey, we have practice tomorro, you should come and watch. It starts at 9:00. Oh man, it's already 2:00 A.M. I'll need rest. Can I walk you back to your house?"

"Yeah. Come on," I said as I got up off the bed.

We walked on over to my house, and I opened the front door.

"I'll pick you up at 8:00. I'll drive you to Luke's house. He's the lead singer. Be ready. G'night."

"Goodnight, see you later in the morning."

I closed the door, and walked to the living room, and fell asleep almost immediately on the couch. I needed to get as much rest as I could before seeing Ashton and his band early tomorrow morning.

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