Chapter 3; The Others

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Olivia's POV

Where am I? Where's Gia? "Gia?" I whisper. No reply. I guess I should think of a plan. Okay, so I'm here because of Gia, right. The most efficient, fastest, smartest girl in the world. So, what would Gia do? Well, first she would look around. I'm behind a wooden fence and there are a few bushes around me. Above me, towards the window of the school building behind me, there are metal bars crisscrossed in the shape of a ladder. I guess that's how she got down without getting hurt. She couldn't have gotten far. I began to mimic an owl, our secret call. Still no answer. I noticed something carved into the dirt across from me. A message. 'Follow me' it said. I saw scratch marks scattered on the fence. She must have climbed. By why would she leave a trail this obvious? Oh. She wanted me to find her. Without a second thought, I launched myself at the fence, as Gia would have done. I scrambled over and leapt down. Another message. 'Closer by the minute' I followed the broken twigs and sticks until I found Kiara and Nicolette, who had jumped together. "Ki-kay, Nico! How did you two get here so quickly?" I exclaimed. "We ran," Nicolette proudly replied. "Also, you were knocked out for a while." I glanced at Kiara, who gave me a wink. "Let's go find the other idiots," she joked, knowing Gia loved to say that. Suddenly five sharp rocks were thrown at us. I dove into the nearest bush, pulling the two other girls with me! Surprisingly, the throwers of the rocks were in the bush! Evyani, Joy, Niki, Jassaroy, and Ashley. My friends. Naturally, we couldn't be more shocked to see each other there. "Hey buddy!" Niki said, helping Jassaroy, Ashley, and Kiara out of the bush. "Come on," said Evyani. "We've only got seven more gals to get. But we need a leader. Olivia, you were Gia's best friend. Can you lead us to safety?" "As Gia would have said, there's a difference between can lead and will lead," I began, "I will do both. Follow me." I can't believe it. I said that and I meant it. Oh well, if I want to be like Gia, I can't let things faze me. 

          After two right turns and a left, I see extremely obvious movement behind a tree. If that's not Arianne, Stefanie, and Pauline, I don't know who that is. "Stefano!" Ashley calls. Immediately, all three girls popped out from behind the tree and dashed over to us. Lucky for us, the neighborhood we're in is mainly empty. Suddenly, three figures fell out of that tree. Yes, that tree. "Yolanda?How- Adeliza, what? Danielle? I can't believe this? How did you get here so fast? I heard from Niki that you guys were the last to leave!"

"I'm like Gia, I know my way around," Danielle replied, "And they know how to follow." She gestured towards the five girls. "I still can't believe this." "I can."


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