Yakko cut back on the normal lights.

"Nothing unusual there." Dot said. She walked up to the empty donut box that was on the floor and examine it.


The scene then change to Yakko, Dot, and Rain hovering over the empty box.

Rain had tweezers in her hand. She picked up a crumb with her tweezers,

"Okway, I've iswolated partwiculate mwatter from the cwime swene." Said Rain.

She pulled out a magnifying glass from her back and examine the crumb up close.

"And jwudging fwom the cwumbs spwatter, I'd say these downuts were eaten in the last ewight to twelve hwours!"

"Wait a minute!" Said Wakko, "Where were you guys last night!?"

"It wasn't us!" Yakko said.

"Yeah!" Dot agreed, "We had that blind date with those bats!"

Flashback to Dot and Yakko sitting at a dinner table with two bats.

A Waiter was pouring wine into a wine cup that startle the two bats,

"Oh, im sorry. My echolocation goes into panic mode everytime something comes toward me." One of the bats explained.

"No need to apologize, sir" the waiter said, "some bread?"

The waiter pulled out a of loaf bread that also startle the bats!

The flashback end.

Wakko nodded then looked at Rain,

"And where was you?!" He asked.

"I was hwosting a exercise cwass with my chwickens!"

Flashback to Rain wearing a sweat suit on while jogging in place on a yoga mat,

"Cwome on chwickens! Kweep joggin!" She said.

Her chickens was also jogging on their own yoga mat but they all looked tired.

"Oh Rain! Can we please take a break?" One of the chickens asked.

"NO!" yelled Rain.

Flashback ends.

Wakko put his hand on his chin.

"Well... that's the strongest alibis I've ever heard!" Wakko said, his siblings nodding with agreement.

Wakko turned around quickly, pointing at his sibs.

"Consider yourselves lucky! Because when I find the person who did this, I'm gonna turn their faces into mashed potatoes with butter and gravy!"

Wakko face went from mad to sad,

"Oh, man... Mashed potatoes with gravy was one of the flavors!" He cried.

Yakko, Dot, and Rain looked at eachother.

Dot and Rain went up to Wakko to comfort him, "Don't worry Wakko! We'll find out what happened to your donuts!" Dot said.

Wakko looked at Dot with an happy exepression, "You will?!"

"We have to" Dot said, "We have about eight minutes to fill."

Yakko walked up to his younger siblings,

"Well, well, well. Looks like we have a real who donut on our hands!" he joked.

Wakko, Dot, and Rain all pulled out the iconic 'Pun gun'. They all zapped Yakko with the guns.

Yakko cough out a smoke cloud, "Worth it!..."

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