mikey x male reader (weak.)

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Request by: JasenRivera

(M/N) pov:

I've been friends with Mikey for awhile now, so I know a lot of his friends. Mikey let's me go to his gang meeting and sometimes let's me watch the gang fights, but I never fight in them. I'm actually really weak, if I tried Mikey said I could be really strong but I don't want to be strong i'm fine with being weak. It wasnt tell the war with Valhalla that things got bad.

-day of the Valhalla fight-

I was sitting up on some cars with a few other people from other gangs, It was fun watching and analyzer, oh right! Mikey mainly kept me around because I could really analyze people when it came to fighting skillful of course I could analyze other things, thats how me, takemichi and chifuyu were able to convince mikeys there was a reason baji left the gang.

After a while I decided I wanted to get down and walk around get a better look at everything happening.
I was walking around and I didn't have to work about anything because Mikey told the gang to make sure I was safe if I got close to the fight so I had many people perfecting me.

It wasnt even a minute later that people started yelling mikey's name, I looked up and saw Mikey and who I guessed was Kazutora, takemichi told me about him.
"Mikey!!" I heard draken yell as he tried getting to mikey but hamna got to draken
I saw people try to help Mikey but know one could leave the fight on the ground.
I wanted to help so I started making my way to mikey, but so did kisaki and and his people.

I hated kisaki, that's why I actually got pretty close with takemichi after he punch kisaki one time during a meeting.

So I moved fast to get up, but I was heading up kisaki was attacked by baji and Mikey got free from Kazutoras guys. I still made it up to mikey after kazutora was down and I checked up on Mikey
"Are you ok mikey?" I asked as I used my shirt to wipe some blood of mikey's forehead.
"Yeah im fine.." Mikey said in a low tone.
I sighed and looked over to baji and saw he was with takemichi and chifuyu, baji had just punch takemichi and chifuyu was blocking baji way.
I saw takemichi grab baji and try to stop him from moving, but it was then I saw kazutor hiding behind some cars and I saw a blade in his hands.

My eyes widened I couldn't say a word as I started to move and saw to kazutora.

I knew baji was really important to mikey. I could see kazutora hurt baji.

I made it just in time, the blade was inches from baji so I used my hand in a panic and grabbed the blade before it got to baji.

"(M/N)!?" I heard takemichi shout abit.
"Ah fuck!!" I yelled as the blade cut my hand
"Huh?-" Kazutora was shocked and then punched.
I looked at who punch him and it was baji
"What the hell kazutore!?-" he shouted as he had seen the blade.
My eyes started to water as the cuts on my hand really hurt.
"(M/N) are you ok??" Takemichi asked
I looked at him and started to cry abit
"It really hurts-" I said
Mikey had ran down to use and he saw the cut on my hand as he eyes widened, then he looked at kazutora on the grounding and baji who was standing near kazutora
"Who did it?-" Mikey asked
"I did it." I said looking at mikey
"Wha-" I heard takemichi and chifuyu say together
"Hurry up and end this stupid fight." I said and looked mikey in the eyes
Mikey nodded and looked at kazutora
"Give up kazutora. This is over." Mikey said stepping closer to him.

And just like that the fight was over
We had convinced kazutora to admit defeat.

-later that weak-

"Yoo (M/N)!" some called my name i turned around and saw three people
It was baji, chifuyu and takemichi
"Oh hey guys!" I said and waved
"Hows your hand doing?" Baji asked
"No to good, I can burly move it" I said and laughed nervously
"Ah man.. im sorry" baji said
"Nah its cool, im just happy your ok" I said and smiled
"I want to come hangout with us, were meeting up with Mikey, draken and kazutora" chifuyu said
"Oh sure" I said

-a few minutes later-

We were all chilling at a park.
Mikey and kazutora had forgiven each other and now him and baji are both back in toman.

"Hey (M/N)" Mikey said walking to me
"What up mikey" I said looking at him
"Nothing much, why are you over here and not with everyone else" Mikey asked and sat next to me
"Oh i don't want to rip my stitches" I said and should mikey my hand with stitches
Mikey sighed "thank you for helping out that day" mikey said
"Yeah no problem. I may not be strong but I felt the need to help." I said looking at the ground
It was quite for a few seconds then I felt him kiss my cheek

I jumped abit then looked at mikey who was blushing and looking away from me
"Do you maybe... want to go out some day.. with me on a date" Mikey said
I was shocked for a second, I never saw Mikey as liking someone like me
"Yeah, ill go out with you" I said
Which got mikey to look at me shocked but happy.

-with everyone else-

"Pay up." Baji and takemichi had said to draken, chifuyu and Kazutora
"Dammit. I totally thought (M/N) would have asked mikey out." Chifuyu complained as he searched his pocket for a $20

Takemichi and baji looked at eachother and grin as the knew the convenience mikey to do it early that day.

The bet was who would ask who first
Draken, Kazutora and chifuyu thought (M/N) would asked put mikey
And baji and takemichi thought mikey would ask out (M/N) first.

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for any mistakes!

Request open

Have a great rest of your day!

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