akkun x male reader (the crow)

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Request by: Eleonor_alexandria

⚠️Tw: beating, death, blood

Akkun pov:
It was the end of school, and me and Takemichi were walking home together because I was gonna hang out at his house for abit.

As we were walking, Takemichi was telling me about a new gang. He said it was called the crows, he was telling me how he accidentally ran into the leader one day with Mikey and draken and it started some conflict between them.

Takemichi said the leader was really violent and mean, but oddly known in the town,
And even though he's well known, people have no idea how many people he has in his gang or what his real name is, but people have started calling him crow.

"Is he the reason you broke your wrist?" I asked
"Yeah" takemichi said as we looked at his injured wrist
"What an asshole." I said, I hated when people hurt my friends.
After a while me and Takemichi got to his place and we hung out for a few hours.

-few hours later-

(M/N) pov:
"Next time think twice before you pick a fight with me!" I yelled as I was stomping on some idiot's face.

He had tried picking a fight with me and although at the beginning he hit me a few times he still lost, but next thing I knew I was on the ground

Someone had pushed me.
I looked up and saw some dude with pink hair trying to help the kid I beat.
"He's not gonna wake up." I said looking at the kid
"Shut up! Ill fucking kill you!" The kid with pink hair yelled
I started laughing "haha! Kill me? You think you can kill me!? Don't make me laugh" I said as I stood up.
The kid looked at me and he was pissed
"Are you the crow?" He asked
"Yup. The one and only." I said with a smirk
"You.. you're the one that hurt my friend the other day.." the kid said before getting up and trying to punch me, but it was easy to dodge. I smirked before grabbing his head and slamming it onto the wall near us. He was out. He fell to the ground as blood started to pour from his head.
I smirk as I looked down at him "what a funny kid" I said

-a few days later-

Akkuns pov:

I groaned as I woke up. I looked around and soon realized I was in a hospital. There was one person in my room but I couldn't tell who it was, once my visions became more clear I saw who it was..

It was the crow.

I was so confused. Why was here, but then I remembered everything he did and I was pissed he dared to show his face in front of me.

I started quietly looking around the room for my stuff, and soon I found it and grabbed my pocket knife out of my pocket.
I walked to the sleeping crow and looked down at him.

I opened my pocket knife and lifted it in the air I was about to stab him, but he started to wake up
"Hm? Oh hey. You're awake." He said looking at me with a smile
"Why are you smiling!? What do you want!?" I shouted a bit at him.
He laughed. "I'm glad to see you awake. It's been a week. I've met many of your friends'' he said
I put the knife to his throat "you better have not hurt them.." I said and glared at him
He had put his hands up "woah calm down i didn't hurt them." He said
"How can I trust you!?" I yelled, giving him a small cut on his throat.
It was then the door to my room opened.
The crow covered his neck with his hand
"Yo whats up guys" he said waving at the people who entered the room.
It was takemichi, draken and mikey.
"Akkun you're awake!" Takemichi shouted, running to akkun and hugging him.
"Huh oh yeah im awake- but why are you so chill with the crow-" I asked confused.
"He helped you-" takemichi said looking at me
"What!?- this is the fucker the beat me" I yelled
"Yo akkun chill." Draken said walking closer
"He paid your hospital bill, same as the other kid he beat up." Mikey said
"What why" I asked looking at the crow
"I did it because I can. If I hurt someone bad enough that they have to go to the hospital, I always pay the bill." The crow said
"But you didn't pay takemichi bill" I said pointing at takemichi
"He gave me money to pay back" takemichi said
"But why do you do this-" I asked
"Look. Fighting is fun and all, but I'm not gonna cause trouble for families because I beat the shit out of there kid." The crow said as he stood up.
Everyone looked at him and saw the blood from his neck leaking through his fingers
"Crow what happened to your neck" Mikey asked
"Oh it's nothing. Just a small cut.. i'm gonna leave now, let you guys see your friend" the crow said then left the room.
I sat down with Takemichi, Mikey and draken and we chatted for a while at least until we heard doctors running around and calling for some help.
All of us peaked out the room and saw doctors running around, some pointing down the hall and others pointing at medical stuff.
"Damnit we're losing him!!" I doctor yelled from the end of the hall
"We need security!" Another doctor yelled
"Where the hell is the medical equipment!?" A doctor yelled
Then you could hear coughing
"What the hell is going on-" takemichi asked
"I have no idea i can't see, to many doctors are covering the area" akkun said
"Ken-chin can you see?-" Mikey didn't finish his sentence as he looked up and saw Draken looked terrified.
"Draken?" Takemichi asked
"The crow-" draken said
Those few words made us all freeze in shock.

The crow was announced dead later that afternoon, an enemy of his cut his throat deeper causing him to die.

-month later at the crows funeral-

"He was fine just minutes before.. how could so much happen.." I said

"The guy that killed him was arrested, but I think he deserves to die." Mikey said, mikey was starting to get close with the crow. Mikey liked how the crow would help pay hospital bills if he hurt someone too badly.

Draken couldn't say a word, he was the only one that saw the crow that day.

"Damnit.." takemichi said

Then someone walked to us
"Hello, are you four friends of my son" a woman asked and we all nodded.
She had tensed up abit before crying more
"Thank God he made some friends before he passed" she said
"We were his only friends?-" I asked
The woman nodded "he was reckless and was in a gang.. not many people got to know him well enough to know he was a good kid.." the woman said
"Did he not have friends in the gang- he was the leader right?" Mikey asked
The woman nodded "yes he was the leader.. but that's because he was the only person in his gang.. he thought he could take on the world and prove he didn't need friends or family to win.. he was such a sweet kid!" She cried and fell to her knees
All 4 of us tensed up and our eyes started to water.
"He really was mama! And he's in a better place now! He'll watch us all!" I said
And we all started to cry a bit.
He was different and he did everything alone..

"He's name was (M/N).." the woman said looking at us
We were all quiet for a second.

"What a beautiful name.." I said

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for any mistakes

Request open

Have a great rest of your day 💕

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