shinichiro x male reader (meeting)

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(Shinichiro alive and Mikey izana don't hate eachother au)

Requested by: s_rry33330rr_4

(Abit of the past)
(M/N) pov:

Me and shinichiro were hanging out at his bike shop, it was late at night and pretty quit outside.
My and shinichiro have been dating for a month now, but I haven't met his family, im not a huge fan of kids and he says all his siblings are younger then us.
While we were talking we started hearing sounds in the shop so shinichiro got up to check it out and told me to stay in the room, so I did what he said... for a few minutes.
I got bored and left the room.
My heart stopped and I started to panic when I saw someone with a pair of chain cutters about to hit shinichiro in the head, I ran to the person and grabbed there arm just in time. I used my other hand to take the chain cutters away from the person and throw them on the floor.
"What the hell do you think your doing!?" I yelled at the person and soon realized it was a kid, I was pissed and was about to punch the kid but shinichiro stopped me.
"(M/N) calm down. I know them." Shinichiro said and held my hand. I looked at him shocked and confused.
"But he was about to hurt you-" I said, then the kid got away from me and ran to his friend.
"(M/N), these are my brother manjiro friends, kazutora and keisuke" shinichiro said and I calmed down abit. Shinichiro told me to go back to the room while he talked to baji and Kazutora. Turns out not knowing this was shinichiro shop they wanted to steal the bike and give it to mikey for his birthday, knowing that shinichiro let them take the bike and things ended well that night.

(Present time)

(M/N) pov:

I was sitting at shinichiro shop, waiting for any customers to help.
Shinichiro was out buying us some lunch so I was stuck at the shop.
It was then that two kids walked in. One had an under cut bread type hair style and a dragon tattoo, and the other kid was short and had blonde hair.
"Welcome to S.S motors, if you need any help, feel free to ask" I said and sighed. They both looked at me and I looked at them.
"Is shinichiro here?" The short kid asked.
"No he want out to buy some food, he should be back soon" I said
"Damn. Should we come back later mikey?" the taller one said
"Nah let's just wait ken-chin" then short kid said and started walking around.
"Stop with the stupid nickname mikey. Its draken" draken said and followed mikey.
"I know those names, but from where?" I thought to my self.
A few minutes pasted and I was getting bored.
"I'm back (M/N), oh! Mikey, draken what are you guys doing here?" Shinichiro said as he walked inside
"Shinichiro!" Mikey said and walked to shinichiro giving him a short hug.
"Hey shinichiro" draken said and bowed abit.
"No need to be formal draken" shinichiro said and smiled.
"You know these guys?" I asked.
"Yeah this is manjiro, my little brother and this is his friend draken" shinichiro said
"Shinichiro who is this guy?" Mikey said and looked at shinichiro.
Shinichiro looked at me and I shook my head, I didn't want them to know yet. Shinichiro looked at mikey "he's a close friend of mine, but anyways what did you need?" shinichiro said
"Oh im looking for izana. He owns my 2,000 yen for losing a bet" Mikey said
(Sorry if I did the money wrong)
"Ohh I see, last I saw him was at home with Emma" shinichiro said
"Alright thank you" Mikey said then him and draken left.
Shinichiro walked to me and handed me the food and I smiled. We closed the shop for abit so we could eat.
While eating me and shinichiro just talked
"You should let me tell them your my boyfriend soon, emmas been suspicious about us for awhile and I think she's starting to tell the other two" shinichiro said and I sighed.
"I know.. I just dont know if they like me." I said and looked down. Shinichiro put his hand on my cheeks and had me look at him "they'll like you, I promise." Shinichiro said.
I thought about it for a second then sighed.
"Fine.. we can tell them tomorrow." I said.
Shinichiro smiled and hugged me "thank you" shinichiro said.
"Yeah yeah. Let's just finish eating and open the shop back up" I said then we both laughed together and finished eating.

(The next day)

Shinichiro pov:

I woke up abit early today, so I let (M/N) sleep while I got ready. Today me and (M/N) were going to meet up with Emma, izana, and Mikey, so we could tell them we've been dating. I heard (M/N) start getting up and I smiled "goodmorning" I said and walked to him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodmorning" (M/N) said and smiled.
"Get up and get ready, we have a big day today" I said and (M/N) groaned, I could tell he wasn't excited but I was, I've been wanting to tell my siblings about us for awhile now.

(Time skip)

Emma pov:

Today shinichiro wanted to meet me, izana, and Mikey at the park and tell us something, I was on my way there and dragging izana and Mikey with me because they just wanted to sleep, I got to the park and saw shinichiro with (M/N) so I walked over to them "hey shinichiro and (M/N), how are you guys" I asked and smiled as I let go of izana and Mikey.
"I'm good, how are you emma?" Shinichiro asked
"I'm tired, these lazy idoit made me drag them here" I said as me, shinichiro and (M/N) all laughed abit.
Mikey looked a shinichiro "so what did you want to tell us?" Mikey asked
Shinichiro looked at (M/N) "do you want to tell them" shinichiro asked and (M/N) shook his head. Shinichiro sighed and looked at us "this stubborn kid here is my boyfriend and we've been dating for about 7 years" shinichiro said
"I'm not stubborn-" (M/N) said
"I knew it!! Hah you guys owe me money!" Emma shouted excited as she looked at mikey and izana who owe her some money.
"Dammit" Mikey said as he grabbed the money he just got yesterday from izana and gave it to Emma.
"What i just gave mikeh the rest of my money yesterday" izana complained.
"You guys are fine with this right" shinichiro asked
"Of course we are" I said
"Yeah its cool" Mikey said
"I don't care who you date as long as its not toxic" izana said
I could see (M/N) smile at are responses. Was he worried we weren't gonna excited him?
"So when the hell are you guys gonna get married??" Mikey asked
Both shinichiro and (M/N) blushed
"We haven't gotten that far yet." (M/N) said
"Whaaat, but you guys have been dating for 7 years" izana said.
I smacked both Mikey and izana on the head "be nice, they'll get married when they want to get married" I said and we all laughed together.

(M/N) pov:

Man I thought this was gonna end badly but it looks like there fine with me around. I smiled and felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"(M/N) are you crying!?" Emma asked
Then izana, mikey and shinichiro looked at me
"Hey whats wrong" shinichiro asked
"Sorry. I just didn't expect this." I said wiping tears off my face. Then shinichiro kissed my forehead "hey its ok." Shinichiro said
"Eww" I could hear both izana and Mikey say then Emma got made and hit them in the head again
"Be nice!" Emma shouted at them
And me and shinichiro laughed together.

I hope you enjoyed this story! Sorry for any mistakes throughout it!

Request are open

Have a good rest of your day 💕

Tokyo revengers x male reader [one-shot]Where stories live. Discover now