"I don't know but all I know is that I woke up in bed with someone." He said quickly, distress evident in his tone.

"W-Who is it?" I tentatively asked.

"I don't know, baby I'm so sorry. I don't remember if we did anything and I feel like shit, I'm so sorry." He apologized.

I took a deep breath, pulling the phone away from my ear as I did so. I counted to ten to attempt to calm me down. I put the phone back to my ear after ten seconds.

"Baby, please say something." He implored.

"Tell me where you're at, I'm coming to get you."

* * * *

Pulling up to the unfamiliar house, my knuckles had turned completely white contrast to my naturally tanned skin and my heart was pounding in my chest.

So many thoughts had gone through my head;

What if they had sex?

What if he cheated on me?

I shook my head rid of the thoughts and ripped my keys out of the ignition and hopped out the car, jogging to the front door and incessantly ringing to the door bell until someone answered.

The more I thought about him having sex with a random female, the angrier I got.

A few seconds later Jack ripped open the door, his face softening and guilt written all of him.

"Baby, before you do anything-"

"Where is she?" I ignored him, pushing past him and searching around.

"Babe she's upstairs but just listen to m-"

I glared at him before sprinting up the stairs and walking into the only room with a door open. There she sat, rubbing her eyes, clearing just waking up thanks to me.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked, standing up from the bed.

"I should ask you the same thing, why did my boyfriend wake up here?!" I exclaimed, taking another step forward.

She smirked, "Oh Jack?" She asked, running her hand through her hair.

I clenched my jaw and before i could charge at her, Jack wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing my back against his chest, "Babygirl don't do it." He muttered in my ear.

"Get the hell off me!" I shouted, clawing at his hands and arms.

"You need to relax," The girl laughed, "My names Marina." She introduced herself.

"Answer my fucking question!" I shouted, still trying to get out of Jacks tight grip but eventually gave up.

"Look, your little boyfriend was piss drunk alone and the cops had came. All I did was help him out." She walked towards her dresser in only a long white t-shirt.

"Why was I only in my boxers and why are you only wearing a shirt?" Jack asked calmly.

"Hey," she held up her hands, "taking your clothes off was your choice. This is my normal sleeping attire."

"Why were you sleeping in the same bed?" I growled.

Marina laughed again, "There's no way in hell I was sleeping on the couch or on the floor. He wouldn't sleep on the couch so I didn't think it was a big deal." She shrugged.

"No big deal?!" I exclaimed.

"He's not my type anyway." She shrugged, "I'm gay." She announced.

A sense of relief rushed throughout my body. I closed my eyes and I exhaled a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Jacks grip loosen around my waist but his arms still remained there.

"Thank god." Jack muttered, running his hand through his hair and tugging at the top.

"Yeah you're welcome." She raised her eyebrows, "Now if you'd excuse me I'd like to get dressed."

Jack pulled me out of the room, closing the door behind us. I ran my hands through my hair then ran them down my face. I jogged down the stairs and sped walked out the house and to my car.

"Skylar wait!" Jack shouted, running after me.

I didn't stop walking but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around. A flustered look was spread on both of our faces but his had a hint of worry.

"I'm never drinking like that again, I'm so sorry Skylar." Jack apologized, grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him.

I shook my head and grabbed his face, leaning up on my tippy toes and kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled away, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sor-"

"Stop apologizing, you didn't do anything. It's fine." I cut him off.

Jack sighed, "I love you, Skylar." He rested his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes.

"I love you too, Jack."

Inevitable Love II - Mine ≫ J.GWhere stories live. Discover now