Dragon Training

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Hiccup looks at his notebook where he has drawn a map of the island, he looks up from it and peeks over a gorge, expectantly, only to be disappointed when nothing is there. He sighs as he adds another 'X' to the page, frustrated he scratches his pencil over the whole map. Snapping the book closed and pockets it.

"Uggh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I managed to lose an entire dragon. Not to mention-" Hiccup is cut off as he whacks a low-hanging branch only for it to snap back and hit him in the face. He looks up with a glare to see the trunk of the tree snapped in half, curious he follows it to a long trench of up-turned earth.

Hiccup reaches a small incline, when he looks over he sees a dragon, he lets out a gasp in shock. Hesitantly he peers at the dragon, its wings tight against its body and tail tangled in a bola, appearing dead. Hiccup searches through his vest in a panic and pulls out a small knife.

He quickly slides down the hill and hides behind a rock, gazing at the Night Fury. Hiccup fully approaches the dragon in shock, "Oh wow. I did it. I did it. This fixes everything." He runs his hand through his hair, "Yes!"

"I have brought down this mighty beast," Hiccup sets his foot on the dragon only for the Night Fury to move.

Hiccup calls out, springing back, terrified he hits the rock he was hiding behind earlier. He turns his blade on it. Rattled, Hiccup creeps along the length of the weak, wounded dragon, dagger poised to strike. As he reaches the head, Hiccup finds the Night Fury staring coldly at him. Hiccup tries to look away, but he's drawn back to its unnerving, unflinching stare.

With the dragon safety tangled in the ropes, Hiccup holds his dagger, puffing himself up with false bravado, "I'm going to kill you, Dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking." He says mostly to himself before he turns to the dragon and yells, "I am a viking!"

Hiccup raises the dagger, determined to prove himself. The dragon's labored breathing breaks Hiccup's clenched concentration. He opens an eye, his uncertainty leaking through, he sees something from underneath the dragon's wings, a silver contrasting to the dragon's black scales. Hiccup attempts to reach for it but freezes when he sees the Night Fury's eyes staring at him. Hiccup gazes into the dragon's unflinching eyes until it closes its eyes and wraps its wings tighter round its body.

Hiccup tries to go through with it, holding the dagger aloft... fighting himself... until finally lowering it with a frustrated sigh. He looks over the dragon, bound in the ropes from the bola, realization strikes him.

"I did this." He muttered, ashamed.

He turns to leave but pauses, glancing back at the dragon, it's chest heaving. Hiccup frowns checking over his shoulder to ensure that no one is watching, he hurries back to cut the ropes.

The Night Fury's eye shoots open at the sound of the sawing of the ropes. Unknowingly the dragon watches Hiccup's every move, he hurriedly saws through the bola ropes. As the last rope falls free, the Night Fury suddenly pounces at the young boy. In a flash, the dragon is upon him, pinning the boy down on the rock. Looking as if it's about to kill him Hiccup is paralyzed in fear. Hiccup opens his eyes to find the Night Fury's stare burning into him.

The dragon draws a deep breath, Hiccup flinches back, expecting a fire blast from the dragon, only for it to let out an ear-piercing scream instead. It turns away, pausing to scoop something off the ground and take flight, flapping violently through the canopy of trees. It bashes against a nearby mountain side, recovers, and drops out of view some distance away.

Winded, Hiccup reaches for his knife, never taking his eyes off the dragon. He rises and watches the dragon through the trees, till it's out of sight.He slowly turns, unable to process what just happened, staggers a few steps and collapses to his knees, and faints.

Dragon Girl [Hiccup x OC]Where stories live. Discover now